Monday, April 19, 2010

Hard Decisions!

This past week I realized how hard it is for me to decide on things. I'm a pretty organized person and like to plan things ahead of the time. Well, my plans for last Saturday were Going to the KWC Junior Preview Day. I already had to choose to go to that or go to the Beta Club Clean Sweep that morning. So I decided to go to KWC. Well on Wednesday a lady called from KWC and was wanting me to confirm my invite on the Preview day so I said Yes, and told her that I would definitely be there. Well, then I get a phone call from my best friend Alexus asking if I wanted to go with her and our other friend Stacie to Louisville for the big fireworks show and festival, Thunder. I mean really? How could you pass that up! A weekend away with your best friends! Ha ha. So I told her let me think about it and talk to my mom and dad and see what they think I should do. Well, they both said do what You want to do. I told my dad I wanted to go to Louisville and he told me I had to call the Lady from KWC back and tell her that I couldn't make it and that something had come up. I really didn't want to do that though, I wanted to just go to Louisville and pretend I was sick and missed the Jr. Day or something. But I called her right back and told her and then I even went on to ask if I could set a date for a college visit. She told me that Was perfectly fine and I could call her back at "this number" and schedule one whenever I want to. I made a tough decision but it was the right one (:

Now I have come to the conclusion that I'm VERY indecisive. It's hard for me to even make decisions about little things let alone Huge ones! Like just the other day my mom said, "do you want to go get something to eat?" and I'm like "sure" and she's like "where at?" and I'm like "i don't know" and she's like "well make up your mind!" You see- that about proves it right there. Idk what I'm going to do in college! Maybe I should work on that some. Ha ha.

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