Sunday, August 30, 2009

Goodbye Summer, Hello School!

So school started about three weeks ago which means bye-bye summer-time. I think I'm just now starting to adjust to the fact that its hello school! Waking up early, going to bed early, not going out on school nights, homework, studying, and all that "FUN" stuff. I miss summer already.
My summer was great! I went on vacation to Wisconsin to visit my dad. If you don't already know, he's stationed there for the army until March (for a year). I absolutely love shopping in Wisconsin Dells. It is the best place ever (: We also went to this deer park place where deers like
literally walk up to you and eat out of your hand. It was so cool. Also this past summer I spend tons of time with one of my friends, Rachel! She lives the closest to me out of all my friends so she came over a lot. Of course I went swimming tons of times. Actually, this year we bought a pool for our backyard patio. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't really small either. It was big enough to lay on a raft in and soak up the sun. That's all that my mom and I were worried about, getting a tan :D And... We did!
But now, summer's really over. I realized it today as my mom and I were taking down the pool. So goodbye summer, hello junior year! I'm kind of excited about it, but I'm kind of nervous about being a junior. I've already had tons of homework which is never good. I'm really excited about clubs that I'm going to be in. Spanish Club, I was in it last year and it was really fun. CEC (Council for Exceptional Children) should be really fun. Academic Team of course. Hopefully I will become a member of NHS (National Honor Society) and Beta Club. Last, but not least Mrs. Garner was talking to our Spanish class about having a Spanish National Honor Society. That sounds really cool and I'd love to be a part of it. Also I'm excited about football games this year. As for my schedule, I love White days and I like 3rd and 4th on Blue days. I'm taking on AP US History this year too! That should be a challenge. So as you can see I've got a full year ahead of me and lots of things to do. Summer's over and school's here, so I'm going to make the best of it (:

Good Times!

One of my friends had her birthday party at skates alive this summer :D You may be thinking "She's 16 and had her birthday party at skates alive?" Well, yeah so was I when she told me. But if you think about it, seriously, what else is there to do in Owensboro. Go to the movies, bowling, skates alive, or have a party at your house. So she decided to go to skates alive. This changed it up some and brought a variety into our weekends (: At first I wasn't too sure about going because I hadn't skated since like elementary school, but once I got there I was like ahhh this is the place to be. It's so much fun skating around trying not to fall, but it's also fun just sitting back and watching everyone. I was sitting in our little booth watching all the workers skate backwards and do little tricks and whatnot and then I was also watching all the drama that went on between the 10 year olds. It was hilarious! I went back yesterday with Stacie, Rachel, Jordan, Chris, Allison, and Halle and it was super-fun! I started playing games and so did some of my friends and we ended up getting like 200 tickets and getting cute little prizes! I felt so much like a little kid it wasn't even funny! But the important thing is that it was fun! Right now there's so many stressful things I'm going through with school, and my dad not being home until March, clubs, grades, EVERYTHING! It's just good to go out, have a good time, and act silly! So that's what I did and it was gread (:

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Follow the Leader

The kind of leaders that I admire the most are teachers and my parents. Teachers do a lot of work that students don't realize. Students come to school with attitudes and in bad moods not caring how they treat their teachers. Even though teachers have to stay up late grading papers or may have had a family emergency they always come to school with a smile on their face (: That's why I admire them! Parents on the other hand, haha no I'm totally kidding. I admire my parents whole lot for just putting up with me! I mean, yeah I they get on my nerves all the time, they make me do things I don't want to do, but they do it all in consideration of whats best for me. I look up to my parents and teachers because they show all the skills that are needed to be a leader and those are the skills that I would like to have someday. I would like to follow the footsteps of my parents and teachersand become a great leader one day!

Monday, August 24, 2009

"Friendship doubles joy and halves grief."

Proverbs- are simple sayings commonly known which expresses a truth and are based on common sense or the practical experience of humanity.

"Friendship doubles joy and halves grief."

This Egyptian proverb to me, means that everything is easier with friends. Having friends brings joy to everyone's lives and cuts down on grief and hard times. This proverb has came to be true in my life many different times. In January of '09 my grandfather past away. It was a really hard time for my family and I, and thankfully I had friends there to lean on. It felt really good to have them there to talk and comfort me through everything that was going on. One of my friends, Marley brought a lot of joy to me the day of my grandfathers funeral. She stopped by for about 20 minutes and brought me a small gift. The fact that she came by just to say hey and sorry for your loss meant a lot. All of my other friends had a movie night the next night, this helped me get my mind off of everything and just relax and have a good time. Another time in I was the friend that brought joy to someone else was when my friend Sarah had to move from her Mom's house to her Dad's. This was a big change for her and caused her lots of grief as well. She ended up having to switch schools and lost a lot of friends. She has told me ever since then that I brought a lot of happiness to her and was a true friend for sticking by her through everything. Both of these situations, as you can probably tell, explain how friendship doubles joy and halves grief.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

They call me Jerry Jr.

If someone asked me which of my relatives I am most like I'd probably have to say my dad. I'm a daddy's girl, always have been. First off, I look like my dad. I have dark hair like my dad and almost always have somewhat of a tan just like him. All of my family calls me Jerry Jr. because I act and look like him I guess. He's stationed in Wisconsin right now for the army for a year and all of my family talks about how they miss him so much. But they always add, "At least we have Jerry Jr." to the end of it. Last Saturday my cousin Starr was over at our house. By the way, I think she's my dad's favorite neice-in-law. Anyways, everytime she comes over right before she leaves my dad yells, "Don't let the door hit ya in the butt on the way out!" So, last Saturday when she was leaving I yelled the same thing my dad would have. Starr came back inside and said, "You know what, its just not the same coming from Jerry Jr." Also, one thing that makes my mom think I'm just like my dad is when she says I love you when she drops me off at school, I say "Yeah, yeah!" That's what my dad says too when he goes to work. So everytime I say it she just smiles :)