Thursday, August 20, 2009

They call me Jerry Jr.

If someone asked me which of my relatives I am most like I'd probably have to say my dad. I'm a daddy's girl, always have been. First off, I look like my dad. I have dark hair like my dad and almost always have somewhat of a tan just like him. All of my family calls me Jerry Jr. because I act and look like him I guess. He's stationed in Wisconsin right now for the army for a year and all of my family talks about how they miss him so much. But they always add, "At least we have Jerry Jr." to the end of it. Last Saturday my cousin Starr was over at our house. By the way, I think she's my dad's favorite neice-in-law. Anyways, everytime she comes over right before she leaves my dad yells, "Don't let the door hit ya in the butt on the way out!" So, last Saturday when she was leaving I yelled the same thing my dad would have. Starr came back inside and said, "You know what, its just not the same coming from Jerry Jr." Also, one thing that makes my mom think I'm just like my dad is when she says I love you when she drops me off at school, I say "Yeah, yeah!" That's what my dad says too when he goes to work. So everytime I say it she just smiles :)