Tuesday, October 27, 2009


My dad is in Wisconsin, as some of you may already know, for the Army for a year. Well, we got a letter in the mail from AT&T saying our cell phone plan was going to be terminated because we had roaming charges. We weren't aware that there weren't many Cingular towers in Wisconsin where he is. He's been there for 7 months now and they are JUST NOW realizing this? So my mom gets on the phone and calls them and they end up being somewhat patriotic an letting my dad out of the contract but my mom, sister, grandmother, and I stay on. We were happy with that until 2 days after fall break. We get a call on the phone saying that things have changed and our WHOLE plan will be terminated. When my mom asked why, the lady said that there were more roaming charges on the plan. (My mom had only been there for 5 days, what was she going to do not use her phone on vacation?) My mom argues and argues with the lady. The contract states that its ok as long as not over 50 % of you plan is roaming. My dad's only 1 of 5 of us who is 1/5 isn't 50% is it, or at least it wasnt the last I checked! Anyways my mom is about fed up with Cingular and how UNpatriotic they are being. Seriously how much could roaming fees cost? The woman on the phone was getting an attitude with my mom, and my mom was getting very irritated. My mom asked to speak with someone higher up and she said that every person would tell her the same thing. My mom didn't believe that and told the woman she would be spreading the word about Cingular and cancelling her house phone that's with them which she has had for 20 years! Anyways I think we're getting a new plan with Verizon or StraightTalk? Gosh I'm gonna miss my new phone!

My Best Friend!

Sarah Caitlen Wilhite!
My friend Sarah that goes to DC now has been my best friend for about 9 years! We used to live in the same neighborhood right down the road from each other! We did everything together. Her grandmother lives right across the street from her so they are pretty close. When we stay the night with each other sometimes we would stay over there. Anyways, I think that since I was over there so much her granmother thought of me as another grandaughter! Everytime it was someones birthday they went out to eat at Ryan's. When Sarah asked if I could go her grandmother always said "Well yes, of course" but when her little sister Emily asked if one of her friends could go, she said no! But yeah, Me and sarah are absolute best friends. We tell each other everything and try to do everything together. Now she lives with her dad out in the country,well kinda, and I only get to see her once a week, twice every other week and sometimes I can't make it to those visits. But when I do, we have a blast. I really don't know what I would do without her in my life. She's pretty cool & a great friend. She can help me with any of my problems and give great advice... well sort of. She's great you should meet her, you'd love her too =]

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Break!

My fall break was pretty good this year! My dad got to come home for 5 days which is always good! I got to hang out with him a lot and everything & I can't wait until he comes home in March. My mom went back to Wisconsin with him until Saturday so I was home alone all week with my sister, which isn't good! I love her and all, but lately we just haven't got along too well. We argue about the littlesst things. It's kind of fun though (: I love getting on her nerves! She's 21 & I'm the younger sister, haha! It's pretty great. But anyways, tuesday a bunch of my friends came over and we ordered pizza, watched movies, and just hung out. It was fun (: I did a bunch of other stuff the other days, the best one of all though was SLEEPING IN! I remember a few night staying up until around 2 or so and not waking up until 11! I know some people sleep in that late all the time or on weekends, but not me. I just naturally wake up early most of the time, no matter how late I stay up! Anyways, on Friday Alexus came over to work on our English projects for a few hours. Then we went to Hannah's house for a bonfire, except it wasn't a bonfire anymore because it rained. But we still had fun, we went into the house & played DDR & Air Hockey... well they did I just was texting, lol my favorite thing to do. I was sittin on the couch with Sparky- Hannah's dog! It was too funny. They tied a donut to a string and then put it on the ceiling fan and started the fan, then it went around and around and around and they tried to get Jeff to eat it while it was spinning but It kept flying off. Then we went outside and played flashlight tag. It was all fun until Hannah pulled me down in a ditch to hide from the guys. & then Alexus fell in a mudhole & hurt her ankle... so we ended up leaving early but We still had fun. We went to Long John Silvers (Her work) and got some food & parked at Kroger & watched these people at McDonalds act like idiots. Then we went to My house and she stayed the night (: Then the next day she had to work and then she stayed the night again! Basically all the other time during fall break I was either sleeping, watching TV, driving, at my grandma's, or on the computer! Pretty good fall break though (:
BTW that picture to the left is my Bestie Rachel & some cool girl Named Laura Beth or something like that (:

Monday, October 12, 2009

Can you sense Halloween time?

Halloween is here... What do you see?

I see the leaves of trees changing colors and covering the ground. I see carved Jack-O-lanterns on porches. I see children trying on their costumes weeks before the 31st. I see orange and black everywhere at Walmart. I see the Halloween stores opening up to sell decorations and costumes.

Halloween is here... What do you hear?

I hear scary music playing in all the stores. I hear Mrs. Matthews doing her really cool laugh when reading a Halloween book. I hear Trick or Treat? I hear BOO! I hear knocks on the doors. I hear of all the Halloween Parties. I hear the leaves crackling under my feet.

Halloween is here... What do you smell?

I smell Mom's pumpkin spice candles (: I smell the carmel for the apples. I smell Pumpkins being carved. I smell Fall outside (undescribable) haha. I smell all kinds of Halloween treats being baked in Mom's kitchen.

Halloween is here... What do you taste?

I taste Candy. I taste Reese's from Sarah's Memaw (She always saves me like 10 for trick or treating!). I taste Popcorn Balls. I taste Carmel Apples and Pumpkin seeds. I taste carmel apple suckers. I taste all the good Halloween Treats!

Halloween is here... What do you feel?

I feel the cool Fall breeze. I feel the sweat on my face from wearing my scary mask. I feel the different textures of all the wrappers from different candy. I feel a hand grabbing mine from the candy bowl. I feel the fake fangs in my mouth. I feel the fake blood dripping down my chin. I feel LIKE IT'S HALLOWEEN (:

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Darkness Falls!

Okay so this movie right here, absolutely scared me like crazy! I was watching it with my sister and her friends Hailee & Bhrett. It was a really long time ago when I was a lot younger. The movie is about some tooth fairy monster thing that kills children when they lose their first tooth or something. I don't really remember all I know is I was scared to go in the bathroom after watching it. At one point in the movie, the toothfairy person is chasing this little boy that lost his last tooth and he hid in the bathtub. It was the scarriest part in the movie when the toothfairy opened the curtain really fast and the little boy was sitting there in the shower scared and shaking and crying. It was sooooo sad & scary. But I'm not gonna tell you what happened after the toothfairy opened the curtain because that would just ruin it (:
But from that day on almost EVERYtime I go to the bathroom I go look behind the shower curtain before I use the bathroom. That movie seriously scarred me for life! Thank goodness I had already lost my first tooth, I don't know what I would have done If I hadn't. I would have been so scared, lol.
If you've never seen this movie you should probably watch it, from what I remember It was pretty good/ but scary. If you watch it let me know, because I'd like to watch it again maybe... that's a MAYBE! Haha.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Ghost Story!

My best friend Sarah and I always spent the night with each other every night during the summer. Her grandmother lives right across the street from her house, so we would alternate houses, her mom's house, her grandmother's house, her mom's house, her grandmother's house... You get the point. Anyways, whenever we stayed the night at her grandmothers house we would sleep in the living room. We would make a two pallets to sleep one for her and one for me. Her grandmother's 88 years old but you couldn't tell that from looking at her. She gets around fine and always made us a big breakfast every morning! I love her (: Her grandfather died a few years back and Sarah always said she thought that he was still "there" in the house, as in his ghost. One night, we were sleeping in the living room and we were up til around two waiting for her uncle to get off work. He usually came in the front door and talked to us for awhile if we were up. He always seemed to have some story about work to tell us. Anyways, that night he didn't come in the front door. He came in the back door and tried to scare us. Sarah kept on commenting on how she saw something moving in the hall by the bathroom. I just said Sarah shut up and stop trying to scare me. Then she's like I'm serious, so we walked back there and just as we passed the bathroom her uncle popped out and screamed at us. Well, we screamed back, haha. We were really scared, he got us good! But it was okay, because the next day he felt bad so he took us to get icecream! (:

Halloween Poem!


Kids are walking up and down the street,
repeatedly saying Trick or Treat.
They hold their bags out to collect their candy.
This cool October night may be slightly windy.

Witches, Frankenstein, ghosts, and goblins,
Hannah Montana, Cats, Batman, and Robin.
Some costumes are scary, others are cute.
One little boy is Woody with Cowboy Boots.

Candy corn, chocolate, skittles, and suckers,
Sour candy like warheads will make you pucker,
Carmel Apples, pumpkin seeds, and Mom's homeade chex mix.
There are so many treates to choose from, I don't know what to pick.

Carving out pumpkins is my favorite thing to do,
You can carve out a face or the word BOO!
Carve out the top so you can take it out,
and stick in a candle to light up the face's mouth.

Haunted houses are a lot of fun,
Make sure your not behind everyone.
Some people will scream and squeel,
If you see something scares you don't make a big deal,
Just remember Monsters aren't real!