Thursday, October 8, 2009

Darkness Falls!

Okay so this movie right here, absolutely scared me like crazy! I was watching it with my sister and her friends Hailee & Bhrett. It was a really long time ago when I was a lot younger. The movie is about some tooth fairy monster thing that kills children when they lose their first tooth or something. I don't really remember all I know is I was scared to go in the bathroom after watching it. At one point in the movie, the toothfairy person is chasing this little boy that lost his last tooth and he hid in the bathtub. It was the scarriest part in the movie when the toothfairy opened the curtain really fast and the little boy was sitting there in the shower scared and shaking and crying. It was sooooo sad & scary. But I'm not gonna tell you what happened after the toothfairy opened the curtain because that would just ruin it (:
But from that day on almost EVERYtime I go to the bathroom I go look behind the shower curtain before I use the bathroom. That movie seriously scarred me for life! Thank goodness I had already lost my first tooth, I don't know what I would have done If I hadn't. I would have been so scared, lol.
If you've never seen this movie you should probably watch it, from what I remember It was pretty good/ but scary. If you watch it let me know, because I'd like to watch it again maybe... that's a MAYBE! Haha.

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