Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Break!

My fall break was pretty good this year! My dad got to come home for 5 days which is always good! I got to hang out with him a lot and everything & I can't wait until he comes home in March. My mom went back to Wisconsin with him until Saturday so I was home alone all week with my sister, which isn't good! I love her and all, but lately we just haven't got along too well. We argue about the littlesst things. It's kind of fun though (: I love getting on her nerves! She's 21 & I'm the younger sister, haha! It's pretty great. But anyways, tuesday a bunch of my friends came over and we ordered pizza, watched movies, and just hung out. It was fun (: I did a bunch of other stuff the other days, the best one of all though was SLEEPING IN! I remember a few night staying up until around 2 or so and not waking up until 11! I know some people sleep in that late all the time or on weekends, but not me. I just naturally wake up early most of the time, no matter how late I stay up! Anyways, on Friday Alexus came over to work on our English projects for a few hours. Then we went to Hannah's house for a bonfire, except it wasn't a bonfire anymore because it rained. But we still had fun, we went into the house & played DDR & Air Hockey... well they did I just was texting, lol my favorite thing to do. I was sittin on the couch with Sparky- Hannah's dog! It was too funny. They tied a donut to a string and then put it on the ceiling fan and started the fan, then it went around and around and around and they tried to get Jeff to eat it while it was spinning but It kept flying off. Then we went outside and played flashlight tag. It was all fun until Hannah pulled me down in a ditch to hide from the guys. & then Alexus fell in a mudhole & hurt her ankle... so we ended up leaving early but We still had fun. We went to Long John Silvers (Her work) and got some food & parked at Kroger & watched these people at McDonalds act like idiots. Then we went to My house and she stayed the night (: Then the next day she had to work and then she stayed the night again! Basically all the other time during fall break I was either sleeping, watching TV, driving, at my grandma's, or on the computer! Pretty good fall break though (:
BTW that picture to the left is my Bestie Rachel & some cool girl Named Laura Beth or something like that (:


  1. Um Rachel is holding the picture of some cool girl named Laura Beth but she should be holding my picture instead...i'm cooler---JK!!!!
    : )

  2. You were quite busy! I'm glad you had so much fun with friends over fall break! cx
    Lol, I love that picture of Rachel. It's so cute~
