Tuesday, October 27, 2009

My Best Friend!

Sarah Caitlen Wilhite!
My friend Sarah that goes to DC now has been my best friend for about 9 years! We used to live in the same neighborhood right down the road from each other! We did everything together. Her grandmother lives right across the street from her so they are pretty close. When we stay the night with each other sometimes we would stay over there. Anyways, I think that since I was over there so much her granmother thought of me as another grandaughter! Everytime it was someones birthday they went out to eat at Ryan's. When Sarah asked if I could go her grandmother always said "Well yes, of course" but when her little sister Emily asked if one of her friends could go, she said no! But yeah, Me and sarah are absolute best friends. We tell each other everything and try to do everything together. Now she lives with her dad out in the country,well kinda, and I only get to see her once a week, twice every other week and sometimes I can't make it to those visits. But when I do, we have a blast. I really don't know what I would do without her in my life. She's pretty cool & a great friend. She can help me with any of my problems and give great advice... well sort of. She's great you should meet her, you'd love her too =]

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