Tuesday, October 27, 2009


My dad is in Wisconsin, as some of you may already know, for the Army for a year. Well, we got a letter in the mail from AT&T saying our cell phone plan was going to be terminated because we had roaming charges. We weren't aware that there weren't many Cingular towers in Wisconsin where he is. He's been there for 7 months now and they are JUST NOW realizing this? So my mom gets on the phone and calls them and they end up being somewhat patriotic an letting my dad out of the contract but my mom, sister, grandmother, and I stay on. We were happy with that until 2 days after fall break. We get a call on the phone saying that things have changed and our WHOLE plan will be terminated. When my mom asked why, the lady said that there were more roaming charges on the plan. (My mom had only been there for 5 days, what was she going to do not use her phone on vacation?) My mom argues and argues with the lady. The contract states that its ok as long as not over 50 % of you plan is roaming. My dad's only 1 of 5 of us who is 1/5 isn't 50% is it, or at least it wasnt the last I checked! Anyways my mom is about fed up with Cingular and how UNpatriotic they are being. Seriously how much could roaming fees cost? The woman on the phone was getting an attitude with my mom, and my mom was getting very irritated. My mom asked to speak with someone higher up and she said that every person would tell her the same thing. My mom didn't believe that and told the woman she would be spreading the word about Cingular and cancelling her house phone that's with them which she has had for 20 years! Anyways I think we're getting a new plan with Verizon or StraightTalk? Gosh I'm gonna miss my new phone!


  1. How uncool. Even two out of five isn't half so I'm not sure how they came up with that! D:
    Are you not able to keep your new phone and just switch providers?

  2. Cingular sucks anyway! They always drop calls. :(

  3. Alyssa- Nope, I can't do that! Because the cell phone provider has to go with the cell phone type! Soooo dumb, I know!

    Stacie- I KNOW! But I want my phone :(
