Thursday, November 5, 2009


What all do you have to do to get ready for school in the morning?

Well, here's what my afternoons & mornings consist of.

When I get home from school, at around 3:30, I usually immediately start on homework. Either that or eat a snack and watch TV for like an hour. Depending on how much homework I have the time varies on when I take a shower. I wash my hair every other night because it is SO thick and a pain to fix. Anyways If I wash my hair and want to straighten it then I usually wash it around 5, then I give it around 3 hours to air dry. (if I blowdry it it gets huuuuuge) Sometimes it doesn't take three hours, it just depends. Then I straighten it that night before I go to bed, which usually takes about an hour. Then you see its dry by 8, then I straighten it til around 9. Then I either study for tests I have or get on the computer for about an hour. If I havent completed all of my homework that's when I do that. Then I'm hopefully in bed by 10, but that's on a good night! Other times I'm up fairly late. I swear I think I'm sleep deprived :/ haha. Then I usually get my backpack ready for the next morning. But anyways that's my nights for ya. Oh & Supper fits in whenever just depending on if my mom cooks or we go down to my Memaw's (a block away) or out to eat (rarely happens) lol.
Mornings on the other hand, don't require that much. I get up at around 6:15, the past few days when my mom woke me up I yelled and asked if I could sleep 15 more minutes and she said yes, so that helped out w/ the sleep deprivation believe it or not. Anyways when I get up in the morning I always have to pee, so I do that, haha then I brush my teeth and put contacts in (I don't sleep in those) and stuff. Then I go to my room get dressed. Then I go back to the bathroom and do my hair. If I stayed up that night straightening my hair and I took my time, then usually all I have to do is touch up the back of my hair and it looks fine. I'll either wear it up in a ponytaiL, back in a clip, part up part down, or in a headband, usually never all then way down, don't like it too much. Then If I didn't get my backpack ready then I do that. Then If I have time I update my Facebook/Myspace status (: Then I make sure I have everything lunch money, papers signed, extra stuff I need for classes, all that jazz. Then My mom and I leave around 7 because she has to be at work at 7:30. Somedays we stop at the gas station because she needs ones instead of 5's or 10's or whatever because she buys a diet mountain dew or somethign everyday at her school.
Today was a looong morning that's why I decided to blog about this! But tomorrow's friday, so it should be better (:

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