Thursday, December 10, 2009


My dad, as you all know, is in Wisconsin right now. Well If you know my dad he's the kinda guy that likes warm weather, and going out fishing all the time. So, if you know your geography or what not, you know that Wisconsin is a COLD state and gets ALOT of snow. The other day my dad called and said that they were expecting alot of snow in the next couple of days. My mom and I were like No fair, we want snow! Haha. But anyways the next day He called back and guess how much of snow they had?????? 15 inches. That's way more than what we get- we're lucky to get 2. But the most outrageous part of it is that school was out that day, duh, but they were planning on going to school the next day? Can you believe that? I mean if we had THAT MUCH snow we'd be out for a month! LOL. Just thought you'd like to know. Pretty cool how they can get that much snow and then go to school the next day, lol. My dad said that they were worried they were going to have the "blind snow" or a "white out" or something like that i think it was called. It's were you cant see right in front of your car when your driving and you can't see your hand right in front of your face. Pretty Bad weather up there.

OH, & for those of you who have Psychology- this is the "blizzard" that Mr. Jones was talking about, haha. My daddy was in it (:

MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! Have a good break (:


Today Chemistry class was the absolute best. I never thought I'd hear myself say that. The last 20 mins seriously made my day. Two of my classmates (not saying any names... *cough*cough* Derrick and Abigal) rewrote songs and added chemistry lyrics and then they "performed it in front of the class. It was too Oops I did it again, dont' go breaking my hear, and a bunch of TV series jingles. It was great! Derrick went alllllllll out. He was singing and changing the tone of his voice and dancing and everything. Ashley took a video of it and is DEFINATELY putting it on facebook- so look for it (: hahahaha. I swear you'll start crying from laughing so hard, just like I did. LOL. Anyways, then we found out who Santa Claus really is. HE'S KELSEY'S DAD! (: Well at the mall anyways. When she told us this it was hilarious because me and ashley were like ohhh well I've sat on your dad's lap before, how akward is that. LOL. Then we were eating these Hershey bars Mrs. Clark gave us and they had Santa on them and Hunter's like "hey that looks like kelsey's dad, and just about that time I ate mine, and he said "LB's eating kelsey's dad!" it was hilarious. In our class the left side of the room is usually loud and the right side is the smart side that answers all the questions... supposedly. Well, It's me, ashley, kelsey, jessica, and emily that sit in the back on the right side... Lately hunter's been coming over to sit with us which is really annoying because he is... well... ANNOYING! Anyways, he was making us laugh and stuff adn Mrs. clark was handing out papers and she heard us and was laughing and she said I think I liked yall better when yall didn't talk as much! IT WAS HILARIOUS, then I'm like it's Hunter's fault he moved over here! Because he usually sat on the LEFT side, haha imagine that, Hunter- Talking?? Duh all the time.

But anyways, I looooooooooooove my chemistry class now (:
Just sayin'

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Favorite Decoration!

My favorite Christmas decoration would have to be my family's "ugly tree" as my Mom would call it. We usually put up 3 Christmas trees believe it or not. One in the the front living room, one in the basement, and sometimes one in the sun room that we never really use. My mom, every year, puts up HER tree. She usually doesnt ask for any help with it either. It has all white lights and ALL snowmen ornaments. When I say ALL I mean ALL. Every single ornament is of a snowman. Her tree topper is a snomen's head with earmuffs on, and the tree skirt is... can you guess it? SNOWMEN! Her tree is really pretty though and it's the tree we use for our Christmas now. The tree in the sun room has all glass ornaments. We use those ornaments because we dont go in that room as much. My FAVORITE tree is the Ugly tree (: It's a tree that my Mom and Dad have had since they've been married, it's like 20 years old! If you can imagine how raggedy and old that tree looks, that's what it looks like! But that's not why I love it. We use all of our childhood ornaments and the ones we have made in the past on it. That's why I love it so much! Now that my sister and I have gotten older I think we are just going to put up Mom's tree. Which is fine with me, it's really pretty (:


Monday, December 7, 2009

Childhood Memories!

One toy that I always remember having is a Barney Stuffed animal. I had him everywhere I went. Allday everyday. I slept with him, took him outside to play, to the grocery (well maybe)... everywhere! I remember loving to watch Barney too. One of my other favorite things was Sesame Street. I had my whole room done in it. My walls were banana yellow and I had a Sesame Street school bus bed! It had a rail that looked like the windows of the bus with all the different characters in it. But over all I think my favorite had to be Barney. My favorite picture of me with my dad is of him holding me and I'm holding my Barney Doll. I also remember having a home video made of my sister, the neighbor's little kids and me singing the theme song!
"I love you, you love me, were a happy family, with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you, won't you say you love me too! (:

Last 2 Weeks!

I'm so excited for Christmas break! My dad comes home for 11 days this time! (: I caaaaaan't wait! I already have done some shopping but still have alot left to go. We only have 2 weeks of school left before break and I am stressed out! My grandmother's been in the hospital for the past 2 weeks so I've spent alot of time out there lately and then I have tons of homework and papers that need to be written. I'm proud of myself though, I finished my GSP essay and application and my Psychology paper and project last week and they sounded pretty dang good to me! Now I'm about to write my Chemistry Radiation paper, which hopefully won't take me too long. The English and APUSH paper's are due friday and I'll get time in English to work on that on Wednesday so I'll probably work on the English Essay a little tomorrow and then finish APUSH book review on Wednesday and Thursday. I pretty much have my finals planned out. I'm gonna take all my blue day finals: Math, APUSH, English, Psychology! And then hopefully I'll be done (if my spanish grade goes up like 2 points (: ) I'm thinking it will but let's not get my hopes up...! This weekend is going to be crazy busy too! Friday I'm going to my friend Sarah's house and then on Saturday I'm taking the ACT!! I hope I do good! At the FEA Conference there was a ACT prep session and it was very helpful! Then later that Night I'm going to Hannah's for our Christmas Party/Sleepover! Not sure what I'm doing Sunday though. Probably something! This has kinda been a ramble on and a planner for the next two weeks! sorry guys! & goodluck on all of your finals!!!! (:

Best Saturday Ever!

This past Saturday was pretty good! It was the best one I'd had in awhile. All of the drama between friends was going on, so I hung out with a few of my best friends. Alexus andRachel came over and we just chilled and watched movies and got online and talked to our friends & GENE- my new friend (: haha (inside joke) But then Rachel had to leave to go to Utica for her family Christmas so me and alexus just hung out at my house until my mom got home. Then we went to Hong Kong to get some take-out & gosh is it the best chinese food! Chicken and rice, lol. We ate like chinese people on the floor around the coffee table with my mom & let me tell you that was fun. Then we got bored so we decided to go out. We called everybody else to see waht they were doing & we ended up meeting payton & tyler @ legion. Then Kelsey and Cassie came too! Well It was freeeezing outside so We all ended up going to Payton's along with stacie, rachel, and payton's 2 brother's Matthew and Hunter. We had tooo much fun. Then we had to take stacie home so it was prettty fun in the car me, hunter, and rachel in the back and stacie and alexus in the front. We listened to my Cd I made <3 Then Rachel and Alexus came home with me and stayed the night! It was just an amazing day (: