Thursday, December 10, 2009


Today Chemistry class was the absolute best. I never thought I'd hear myself say that. The last 20 mins seriously made my day. Two of my classmates (not saying any names... *cough*cough* Derrick and Abigal) rewrote songs and added chemistry lyrics and then they "performed it in front of the class. It was too Oops I did it again, dont' go breaking my hear, and a bunch of TV series jingles. It was great! Derrick went alllllllll out. He was singing and changing the tone of his voice and dancing and everything. Ashley took a video of it and is DEFINATELY putting it on facebook- so look for it (: hahahaha. I swear you'll start crying from laughing so hard, just like I did. LOL. Anyways, then we found out who Santa Claus really is. HE'S KELSEY'S DAD! (: Well at the mall anyways. When she told us this it was hilarious because me and ashley were like ohhh well I've sat on your dad's lap before, how akward is that. LOL. Then we were eating these Hershey bars Mrs. Clark gave us and they had Santa on them and Hunter's like "hey that looks like kelsey's dad, and just about that time I ate mine, and he said "LB's eating kelsey's dad!" it was hilarious. In our class the left side of the room is usually loud and the right side is the smart side that answers all the questions... supposedly. Well, It's me, ashley, kelsey, jessica, and emily that sit in the back on the right side... Lately hunter's been coming over to sit with us which is really annoying because he is... well... ANNOYING! Anyways, he was making us laugh and stuff adn Mrs. clark was handing out papers and she heard us and was laughing and she said I think I liked yall better when yall didn't talk as much! IT WAS HILARIOUS, then I'm like it's Hunter's fault he moved over here! Because he usually sat on the LEFT side, haha imagine that, Hunter- Talking?? Duh all the time.

But anyways, I looooooooooooove my chemistry class now (:
Just sayin'

1 comment:

  1. Haha. Today was hilarious. And I just talked to my dad and told him that my friends love Santa Claus. Lol.
