Thursday, December 10, 2009


My dad, as you all know, is in Wisconsin right now. Well If you know my dad he's the kinda guy that likes warm weather, and going out fishing all the time. So, if you know your geography or what not, you know that Wisconsin is a COLD state and gets ALOT of snow. The other day my dad called and said that they were expecting alot of snow in the next couple of days. My mom and I were like No fair, we want snow! Haha. But anyways the next day He called back and guess how much of snow they had?????? 15 inches. That's way more than what we get- we're lucky to get 2. But the most outrageous part of it is that school was out that day, duh, but they were planning on going to school the next day? Can you believe that? I mean if we had THAT MUCH snow we'd be out for a month! LOL. Just thought you'd like to know. Pretty cool how they can get that much snow and then go to school the next day, lol. My dad said that they were worried they were going to have the "blind snow" or a "white out" or something like that i think it was called. It's were you cant see right in front of your car when your driving and you can't see your hand right in front of your face. Pretty Bad weather up there.

OH, & for those of you who have Psychology- this is the "blizzard" that Mr. Jones was talking about, haha. My daddy was in it (:

MERRY CHRISTMAS GUYS! Have a good break (:

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