Thursday, February 18, 2010


So a lot of people I know have birthdays in February! It just so happens so do I (: Feb. 24th! That's today!!!!! Lol, I know this blog won't say that though because this is a draft. I don't really have too many plans for my Birthday this year. My mom and I are going to go shopping after school for a few new clothes. When we get done my Memaw's coming over and my mom's going ot make Enchiladas! We usually go out to eat on our birthdays but since my dad comes home in a week I'm just going to wait until then! After we eat, I'll open a few presents and we'll eat cake. I got my favorite type of cake this year! ICECREAM CAKE! (: And it's sooooo cute! It has pink and lime green polka dots on it! My favorite colors and everybody knows I love anything that has polka dots. Then on Friday after the Foreign Language Festival I'm going over to my friend Sarah's house. Her granmother will probably do something special for me, because she loves me haha, and I'm like her adopted Grandchild! Then when my dad gets home we'll go out to eat and stuff and I might have people over for my birthday and have like a little movie party!

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