Thursday, January 14, 2010

American Idol!

So for the past two nights my sister and I watched American Idol together. Watching TV or movies is like the best thing to do with my sister because we like the same things really. Like Criminal Minds, NCIS, American Idol, The Bachelor, Bad Girls Club, Real World... stuff like that. The absolute best part of the show, or so we think is watching the auditions. I'm not trying to be mean or anything... but do some of those people actually think they are decent singers? I would NEVER audition for American Idol unless I absolutely 100% knew I was good, and well other people told me so! There is no way that some of those people have actually had compliments on their singing. It seems to me that they are setting themselves up for embarrassment... in some cases more like humiliation. But, they have to have a lot of guts to get up their and audition on TV I guess. I just don't understand how they think they are good. Haha but anyways some of my favorites were probably the guy that had a britney spears shirt on that said "britney changed my life" and he sang Oops I Did It Again. LOL, and the boy who sang "cause everytime we touch I get this feeling and everytime we kiss I swear I can fly... now cant you feel my heart beat slow, I can't let you go... I need to you in my life" It's the song that some seniors guys performed at Eagle Fest this year. They did a project with if for GSA/GSP last year and It was hilarious! It just made me think of that! Another one I liked was the guy that was trying to hook up with Mary J. Blige. He was hilarious! Well, those are the No-Talent people that I liked, haha. Some of my favorite singers were the really young girl, I can't remember where she was from or anything but she had an AMAZING voice. There was also a black guy that was maybe 19 who spent his life taking care of his sickly Mother and was a big part of his church Choir. He was really good too. I also like the Country Girl form Volmore Tenessee or whatever, haha. I LOVED her accent. My sister kept making fun of me and said you sound like her. But I don't really sound THAT country. She was hilarious and had a good personailty & voice. That's about all I can remember. Cool Blog, I know (: Haha.

1 comment:

  1. What about the black guy who sung the pants on the floor song? Hahaha
