Monday, January 4, 2010


In the blog I posted earlier, I talked about going away to college next year. I'm pretty sure I want to stay in Kentucky. There are more positives this way, then going half way across the United States. For one, I get to use KEYS money, which will be very helpful. Also, I will be close to home. I think that if I go too far away from home then I will become home sick. When I was little I could bearly stay the night at a friends house without missing my parents or wanting to go home. I know that going close to home is the best thing for me. There are a few colleges I have in mind, I haven't done much "looking into" though. I've been to Western several times for Foreign Language Festivals and I really enjoy their campus. My mom went there and it seems like a good school. It's only 45 minutes away, which sounds liveable, lol. This way if I was ever to get a phone calls saying something went wrong, I could leave if I needed to and make it there at a decent hour. Another school that I have in mind is UK. I've been there a few times as well for the Foreign Language Festival and also for Basketball games with my dad. UK Basketball is something that my Dad and I share. I don't really get into it as much as he does, but I always watch games with him, especially UK vs. Lousiville. Btw, did you guys watch the game? Haha, Alexus sorry that Lousiville lost & I'm sorry that my Dad hates you because you don't like UK. You know he was joking right? But anyways, UK is a great school as well. My dad went their and he's always saying, if you go there get me some tickets, haha. There's only one bad side that I can really think of about UK. It's in Lexington! It's not THAT far away, but it's FAR ENOUGH. What is is like 3 hours? That doesn't really sound that bad, but to me it seems really far. Now my Mom on the other hand wants me to stay right here in Owensboro. She is always saying, why don't you just go to KWC. That's another thing my Dad and I have in common. My Uncle Tony is real big in Kentucky Wesleyan somehow and he gets my Dad tickets to the Basketball games. I love going to see the Panthers play with my dad and Uncle Ton! Haha. But you see, Wesleyan is a little too close to home. I'm not really sure where I want to go yet. I know I really need to figure it out soon though. Hopefully I will, Wish me luck! (:

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty sure I'm going to Western. Something that will really help you figure it out - FEA Camp. It's at WKU and you live in the dorm and all that. It gives you a much better idea than just visiting. (:
