Monday, March 22, 2010
My Spring Break :(
"I'm going to Florida for Spring Break..." is just about all I hear lately. Everybody is taking this fun vacations and going to get tan while I'm stuck here in good old Owensboro. This Spring Break we aren't going anywhere because we're installing New windows into all of our house. It may sound like a silly thing to not go on vacation for... but our house has 27 windows! And it's going to take at least 3 days to do. JOY. I REALLLLY wanted to go visit my uncle Nicky in FL like my dad said we might do, but nope, we gotta get windows. I was banking on getting a tan and having fun in FL. My mom was hoping for the same. Sooo, I think We're going to go to the tanning bed a few times over break, maybe that will help us catch up to all of our sun-tanned friends. I'll probably have people who are also stuck here in O'boro come over and hang out in our basement and watch movies or something on the days that the workers leave early or don't come. I'll try my best to make the most of it. Or at least let's hope so. (:
Family in Lousiville!

So this weekend my family from Louisville came in town and stayed the weekend (: This was pretty fun. I really enjoy everytime that they come into town. I have 4 younger cousins that come with my aunt Gail. Well you see she's not really my aunt. She's my Uncle's dad's neice- LONG STORY. But I call her my aunt. Anyways she raises her grandchildren because their mom is no good and her son (their father) doesn't care too much. They are precious little kids too. Dylan Anthony- 8 yrs old Austin Lee- 6 yrs old Kiersten Mae 4 yrs old and Lauren Rose 2 years ol
d. I call them my cousins btw. Well, a few years back Dylan and Austin started calling me Sissy- like I was their Sister or something, lol cute I know (: And they called my dad Papaw Jerry- Lol we just went with it. Now they all call us that and they call My mom- Na-Na (Renee) and my sister Esika or Esska (Jessica). The boys are my favorite just because they are a little older. You see I'm not much of a "baby" person. I like them when they get to be about 2 or 3ish. They absolutely love me too. They always call me and tell me what happened at school and stuff like that. Everytime they come in they bring me presents too. well, this time something was different. Usually they sleep at my memaw's house. But this time Dylan and Austin wanted to sleep with me. So I'm laying in my roo
m and they come in yelling SISSY SISSY! and im like oh gosh what do they want haha. I end up sleeping vertical (long ways on the bed) up against the wall. Austin sleeps all snugged up beside me. Dylan slept horizontal like on the foot of the bed. well it wasn't to bad at first, but at 6:30 the next Saturday morning, I woke up with Austin sleeping like Dylan and kicking me in the stomach. So I ended up getting up and crawling over them both to get out of the bed. It was hilarious and fun actually. I played with them practically all weekend. We have this kitchen set down in our basement behind our bar for when kids come over, so I was playing house and kitchen all weekend. BE JEALOUS (: haha. But yeah Dyland and Austin are sooooo addicted to video games. They always have been. Heck, they can beat me at like any game on them things! Play station, Wii, or Nintendo DS they are playin it! haha. They got new DS's recently and they have cameras on them. I thought that was pretty cool. I bet we took 98545678745678 pictures on them (: Their so cuuute! I love them and their pretty much like little brothers and sisters I never had. I added pics they are the best ones I could find of them! I have a ton just not on my computer!

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Driving for the First Time!
Okay, so the first time that I ever drove a car was with my cousin's wife Kris. Ric and Kris are from Maryland and they are pretty amazing! It was around Thanksgiving and I ran with Kris to the store to pick up a few things that my Mom needed. She drives a kind of large SUV that I really like. Well, once we got done with our little shopping she asked, "Do you want to drive some?" I told her sure but I had only driven a car in a parking lot with my dad once before and she told me it was ok. So anyways, I drive out of Kroger's parking lot and over by Shivley park. It took me a little while to get used to the gas pedal. Eventually I was driving smoothly and not doing too bad. I didn't freak out, like I thought I would, until this HUGE Semi-truck came down the road by Kroger. I got over on my side of the road as far as I could without hitting the curb. It made me so nervous! Then it was time for me to get onto Parrish. I was at a red light but I was needing to turn right and she said you can turn right on red and I was just like "No, It's ok I'm just gonna wait!" Haha the cars behind me were so mad, you could tell. Once we were down on the road a bit I knew I had to get to Carter to get home some how. My mom turns left by the Kangaroo Gas station (I'm not sure what it's called, that's just my name for it) so I couldn't decide whether to do that or go up to the light where carter is. I decided to turn by the gas station. Its a really weird turn, it's like a half circle not just a Straight turn, if that makes sense. Anyways I safely made it down Carter until it was time to turn on West 5th St Rd (my road). It was green but there was a car in the lane going straight where I needed to turn and I thought that Kris' car was pretty big and I didn't know if I could fit so I was like I'm gonna go straight and go around the block. LOL, it was quite an experience (:
Monday, March 15, 2010

So for Lent this year, I decided to give up Cokes. I also decided that I was going to walk on the treadmill everyday for either 20 minutes or a mile. That doesn't sound so bad huh? It's really not, I mean it doesn't even take 20 minutes to walk a mile on the treadmill so it's do-able! (: Idk why I decided to do that, I mean I guess we've had our treadmill and I walk on it during the summer a lot but not during school, It's not gonna hurt me to do it so I was like what the heck, why not! Haha. The giving up cokes part isn't so bad either. I haven't ever really been a big "coke" drinker. My mom is AWFUL about it though. She's addicted to them! Oh & when I say cokes I mean soda in general. We've been buying diet Big K Cola's, Diet dr. K, and Diet Citrus Drop drinks from Kroger lately because they are on sale. They aren't half bad to tell you the truth. Usually I just drink gatorade, water, or tea. A few days out of the week I would drink maybe a Diet Citrus Drop after school or if we go to the gas station I'll get a dr. pepper, but I never realized how much you CAN want something when you CAN'T have it! LOL. I've never "craved" a coke before, but this Lent that is like all I want is a Coke. The only coke I have drank during Lent is a Sprite a few times. I felt bad at first but then mom convinced me that Sprite isn't really a coke or whatever, I think I've had 3 total- so It's not really cheating. (:
Who would you call First?

In just about any situation, I would call my Mom first! I tell my mom everything basically! haha. All of my friends always make fun of me because I always call and check in, I don't see what's so bad about it, I just like her knowing where I'm going just in case something were to happen. Most people are like why would you want your mom knowing everywhere you go? My mom's different, She doesn't care- to an extent- what I do as long as she knows what it is and where it is and what I'm doing, lol. It's not that bad. But yeah I would deffinately call my mom first! Just a couple weeks ago, I don't know how but at lunch we got on the topic of what it a "shooter" came in our school!?!? what would you do?!?! I was like uhm I'd probably call my mom and tell her I love her!!!! And everybody else is like I'd be running out of the school! And I was like yeah I'd probably head for the closest door and when I felt safe call her, lol. Idk, that's another thing you don't really know how you would react until your in The particular situation haha. But yeah I just rambled on about a few things, but hey it's a blog!
Monday, March 8, 2010
ACT Time!
Recently at school, all the Juniors took the ACT. I've already taken it before so I sort of knew what I was getting into, lol. I was hoping to get a better score this time. Hopefully those will come in soon by the way. Anyways, I think I did really good on english because I got done early and checked a lot of my answers, it wasn't very challenging to me, which was good! The math section is always one of my hardest. I knew the first like 30 problems easily and then the last half was harder, but I think I did OK. Reading is always a section that I never finish. Most people just read the questions then hunt for the answers. I, personally, can't do that. I have to read or skim the passage then find the answers. I found a new strategy. There are about 4 passages on the test and I looked at the title of each and picked the ones I thought were the easiest and just skimmed those ones but made sure I got the answers write. Then I actually read the harder, science themed ones. I finished in time and think I did pretty well. The science portion isn't really as hard as it seems. Mrs. Clark made us do the e-prep practice tests and I think those helped me out a lot. It helped me better understand how you find the answers and everything. Overall I think I did pretty well on the test (: Maybe I even scored High enough so that I don't have to re-take it! Wouldn't that be nicee.
Headed to State!
The results came in from the Foreign Language Festival last week! I'm going to state for the third time (: I'm pretty pumped this year! Ok, so freshman and sophomore year I was able to go to State for Listening Proficiency 3rd place. This year I placed 1st!!!!! I was so excited when Kelsey texted me and said that Senora Garner sent out the email! But, the best news is, Stephanie and I competed in Dialogue where you go in and carry out a converstation with each other in front of a judge about the topics they give you. We were sooo nervous! Once we got there we realized that there were only 3 teams trying for that subject. We thought we actually have a shot! Anyways to sum it all up once we got in there we TALKED, and TALKED, and TALKED, and TALKED. I kept glancing at the judge like Uhm is can we stop yet? haha and then finally when we took a small pause she's like Ok ladies that's all I need and smiled (: We were forsure we got 1st! But we got 2nd which is still good seeing as it was our first time. My roomies are going to be Katie, Alexus, and Hannah! I can't wait! (: I'll post another blog in May when states over to let you know how it was and put up some pics maybe!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Yesterday Was The Day!

So, My Dad came Home yesterday (: It was pretty great! It's awesome to have him home finally! I actually posted this as a draft the day after he came home, but Didn't have time to finish it so I'm doing it now, like a week later! Well, now that he's been home for around a week It's awesome. I love my dad and am so thankful that he is here with me everyday. It's the little things he does which are what I miss most. Like when he leaves for work in the morning he wakes me up for school before he goes and says "rise and shine its daddy time" lol silly I know but I love it. Also, when I get home from school and he gets off work he always asks me how my day at school was and what I learned. I missed that so much. Hmm, what else. I also believe it or not miss him telling me to do things or go get things for him. "Laura Beth take out the trash when you get done with your homework or Stinky (sometimes he calls me that, don't ask) bring me something to drink would ya." Lol but yeah Just letting you guys know that he's home and hopefully here to stay (:
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