Monday, March 8, 2010

ACT Time!

Recently at school, all the Juniors took the ACT. I've already taken it before so I sort of knew what I was getting into, lol. I was hoping to get a better score this time. Hopefully those will come in soon by the way. Anyways, I think I did really good on english because I got done early and checked a lot of my answers, it wasn't very challenging to me, which was good! The math section is always one of my hardest. I knew the first like 30 problems easily and then the last half was harder, but I think I did OK. Reading is always a section that I never finish. Most people just read the questions then hunt for the answers. I, personally, can't do that. I have to read or skim the passage then find the answers. I found a new strategy. There are about 4 passages on the test and I looked at the title of each and picked the ones I thought were the easiest and just skimmed those ones but made sure I got the answers write. Then I actually read the harder, science themed ones. I finished in time and think I did pretty well. The science portion isn't really as hard as it seems. Mrs. Clark made us do the e-prep practice tests and I think those helped me out a lot. It helped me better understand how you find the answers and everything. Overall I think I did pretty well on the test (: Maybe I even scored High enough so that I don't have to re-take it! Wouldn't that be nicee.

1 comment:

  1. I hope you did great! I thought the English was the easiest and of course I didn't finish any of the sections, especially reading because I can't skim them either :/ But, that's a good idea, I should have read the passages that I thought would be the easiest. If I take the ACT again, I might just do that LB, thanks for the idea :P It was my first time and I think I did good for the first time and the math was the same way for me. Even though I'm good at it, it's really hard to remember some of the math stuff, especially the geometry. I can't wait until we get our scores... so nervous.
