Monday, March 22, 2010

My Spring Break :(

"I'm going to Florida for Spring Break..." is just about all I hear lately. Everybody is taking this fun vacations and going to get tan while I'm stuck here in good old Owensboro. This Spring Break we aren't going anywhere because we're installing New windows into all of our house. It may sound like a silly thing to not go on vacation for... but our house has 27 windows! And it's going to take at least 3 days to do. JOY. I REALLLLY wanted to go visit my uncle Nicky in FL like my dad said we might do, but nope, we gotta get windows. I was banking on getting a tan and having fun in FL. My mom was hoping for the same. Sooo, I think We're going to go to the tanning bed a few times over break, maybe that will help us catch up to all of our sun-tanned friends. I'll probably have people who are also stuck here in O'boro come over and hang out in our basement and watch movies or something on the days that the workers leave early or don't come. I'll try my best to make the most of it. Or at least let's hope so. (:


  1. Aww, don't worry I'm stuck here too, but that's no surprise because our family is too big and we don't have the kind of money to go on any type of vacation haha. I'll be here all of spring break and I'll be working probably 5 days or so, but we should totally hang out :) I'll let you know what days I'm off and hopefully we can hang out... it'd be easier if I had a car you know haha, but not yet. If you have a movie party, let me know okay? Thanks girl :D

  2. Hey we're going to go to Lexington on spring break before my Birthday and you WILL be my maid of love ya girl!

  3. Haha ok Steph! & Marley I can't wait until SB with youuu! We're gonna get our boys (: LOL PATTY!
