Monday, March 15, 2010


So for Lent this year, I decided to give up Cokes. I also decided that I was going to walk on the treadmill everyday for either 20 minutes or a mile. That doesn't sound so bad huh? It's really not, I mean it doesn't even take 20 minutes to walk a mile on the treadmill so it's do-able! (: Idk why I decided to do that, I mean I guess we've had our treadmill and I walk on it during the summer a lot but not during school, It's not gonna hurt me to do it so I was like what the heck, why not! Haha. The giving up cokes part isn't so bad either. I haven't ever really been a big "coke" drinker. My mom is AWFUL about it though. She's addicted to them! Oh & when I say cokes I mean soda in general. We've been buying diet Big K Cola's, Diet dr. K, and Diet Citrus Drop drinks from Kroger lately because they are on sale. They aren't half bad to tell you the truth. Usually I just drink gatorade, water, or tea. A few days out of the week I would drink maybe a Diet Citrus Drop after school or if we go to the gas station I'll get a dr. pepper, but I never realized how much you CAN want something when you CAN'T have it! LOL. I've never "craved" a coke before, but this Lent that is like all I want is a Coke. The only coke I have drank during Lent is a Sprite a few times. I felt bad at first but then mom convinced me that Sprite isn't really a coke or whatever, I think I've had 3 total- so It's not really cheating. (:

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