Monday, March 22, 2010

Family in Lousiville!

So this weekend my family from Louisville came in town and stayed the weekend (: This was pretty fun. I really enjoy everytime that they come into town. I have 4 younger cousins that come with my aunt Gail. Well you see she's not really my aunt. She's my Uncle's dad's neice- LONG STORY. But I call her my aunt. Anyways she raises her grandchildren because their mom is no good and her son (their father) doesn't care too much. They are precious little kids too. Dylan Anthony- 8 yrs old Austin Lee- 6 yrs old Kiersten Mae 4 yrs old and Lauren Rose 2 years old. I call them my cousins btw. Well, a few years back Dylan and Austin started calling me Sissy- like I was their Sister or something, lol cute I know (: And they called my dad Papaw Jerry- Lol we just went with it. Now they all call us that and they call My mom- Na-Na (Renee) and my sister Esika or Esska (Jessica). The boys are my favorite just because they are a little older. You see I'm not much of a "baby" person. I like them when they get to be about 2 or 3ish. They absolutely love me too. They always call me and tell me what happened at school and stuff like that. Everytime they come in they bring me presents too. well, this time something was different. Usually they sleep at my memaw's house. But this time Dylan and Austin wanted to sleep with me. So I'm laying in my room and they come in yelling SISSY SISSY! and im like oh gosh what do they want haha. I end up sleeping vertical (long ways on the bed) up against the wall. Austin sleeps all snugged up beside me. Dylan slept horizontal like on the foot of the bed. well it wasn't to bad at first, but at 6:30 the next Saturday morning, I woke up with Austin sleeping like Dylan and kicking me in the stomach. So I ended up getting up and crawling over them both to get out of the bed. It was hilarious and fun actually. I played with them practically all weekend. We have this kitchen set down in our basement behind our bar for when kids come over, so I was playing house and kitchen all weekend. BE JEALOUS (: haha. But yeah Dyland and Austin are sooooo addicted to video games. They always have been. Heck, they can beat me at like any game on them things! Play station, Wii, or Nintendo DS they are playin it! haha. They got new DS's recently and they have cameras on them. I thought that was pretty cool. I bet we took 98545678745678 pictures on them (: Their so cuuute! I love them and their pretty much like little brothers and sisters I never had. I added pics they are the best ones I could find of them! I have a ton just not on my computer!

1 comment:

  1. Aww, they sound so cute! I'm glad you had fun, I'd like to see you play house/kitchen and get to be the "big" sister, that'd be cool :)
