Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Yesterday Was The Day!

So, My Dad came Home yesterday (: It was pretty great! It's awesome to have him home finally! I actually posted this as a draft the day after he came home, but Didn't have time to finish it so I'm doing it now, like a week later! Well, now that he's been home for around a week It's awesome. I love my dad and am so thankful that he is here with me everyday. It's the little things he does which are what I miss most. Like when he leaves for work in the morning he wakes me up for school before he goes and says "rise and shine its daddy time" lol silly I know but I love it. Also, when I get home from school and he gets off work he always asks me how my day at school was and what I learned. I missed that so much. Hmm, what else. I also believe it or not miss him telling me to do things or go get things for him. "Laura Beth take out the trash when you get done with your homework or Stinky (sometimes he calls me that, don't ask) bring me something to drink would ya." Lol but yeah Just letting you guys know that he's home and hopefully here to stay (:

1 comment:

  1. Aww :) I'm glad he is home now because it seems like you and your dad get along well, most of the time. I'm happy for you and I know you're happy he's home to stay. I look forward to seeing him around this summer when we hang out, he kind of reminds me of my dad because he has a good sense of humor it seems like.
