Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My favorite Color!

Isn't Lime Green Just a pretty color? I absolutely love it. Anything that I see that is lime green I think is pretty.. well almost anything. I want to paint my walls lime green, well at least one of them, someday, but I have to wait until my mom is ready to do it. Lime green just makes me feel happy and brings a smile to my face. Let's see red or green apples? GREEN! Purple or green grapes? GREEN! What color is money? GREEN! Green is just a great color. Actually, any type of green is... lime green is just my favorite. My cousin Ashley always has her nails done at a salon and I saw her yesterday and she has the cutest tips. Guess what color they are? LIME GREEN! And they have cute stars and what not on them. Their adorable. But yeah, when I was younger I always used to want a Lime Green slug bug. I'm not so sure about that anymore because just about everyone has one now-a-days. Also, my great friend Marley has these shoes that are BRIGHT NEON LIME GREEN! Their adorable (: I have quite a few things in my room that are lime green. My fan, my frog bulletin board, this picture holder thing, a sign on my wall, some of my bedspread, a frog stuffed animal from build a bear (: etc... Green is Good!

Monday, September 21, 2009


I got my permit in March 2009. It's now September and I still haven't driven nearly enough or as much as I would like to have. I'm taking driver's ed which is helping me out a lot. I've learned to almost perfectly parrallel park and do a turn-about which will come in handy on my intermediate test, which I plan on taking around December. You see most 16 year old's parents take them driving or let them drive everywhere once they have their permit. Not this one (Me). My dad is the person who should teach me to drive but well, he's in Wisconsin so he can't. My mom on the other hand, just can't. Haha. I'm totally serious. She is way to nervous to get in the car with any teenager. I mean jeez she gets nervous when my dad drives! I've driven with her a few times. It wasn't that bad, but I know that I make her nervous which makes me nervous. It's not that she won't take me, she just has to get the nerve up to get in the car and go. My aunt Susie, my dad's sister, takes me the most. Some days after school she'll call me and be like "I need to run some errands, do you want to take me?" So I drive her wherever she needs to go and get some hours in for my log. It's pretty much a win-win situation. I just thought I'd blog about this because it's been on my mind lately. I absolutely can't wait until I can drive around with my friends whenever I want to and don't have to have my mom drive me everywhere. It's beginning to get annoying because I have a lot of places I want to be, haha. But anyways... yeah (:

PS: I always used to want this car, lol. ------------------>

Sunday, September 20, 2009

I hate being sick!

After the game Friday night I went to Payton's house with a bunch of people. We had tons of fun (: Anyways that night when I got home I woke up in the middle of the night and I just knew I had fever.

-You know those times where your head feels re
ally hot and your eyes and head hurts. When I run fever It's always really high and my eyes get bloodshot and glossy. One time I had a 106 fever and I was seeing monsters coming out of my toy box! My mom called my doctor at home at like midnight and he said to put me in a luke warm bath because It might help lower my temperature.

Anyways back to friday night. When I woke up I couldn't find the thermometer so I just went back to bed. When I woke up for the second time I was coughing like crazy. When My mom saw me she asked me if I had fever. Then I was like I think so I don't feel good at all and how did you know? She said, Because of your eyes. So we took my temperature and it was a 103.2 which is really high for some people. It's high for me too, but I've been worse. So my mom called Dr. Houston's office and they said to rotate with tylenol and ibuprofen. They said I had the symptoms of either a virus or the flu. Then they went on to say that If I had difficulty breathing, diarrehea, or vomiting to come in and they would test me for Swine Flu!

Well, that freaked me out right then and there. I cried at first because I mean come on, who wants swine flu? But the good new is It's now sunday and I've been fever free, the headaches gone, and the coughing isn't as bad (:
The thing about me when I'm sick is, I don't want to miss school. You see, my sister and I are complete opposites if she's sick she loves missing school. But when the doctor said I could have the flu and miss up to 7 days of school, I was like Uhm No that WILL NOT happen, haha. I hate missing school because all of the tests and homework assignments. Also, I cannot miss more than one class of math. I need to hear the teacher explain it to me as a class. I'm not sure why, but that's just me. Also This wednesday we're taking the Practice ACT and I deffinately couldn't miss that.

While I was sick I probable drank 20 of these things. I don't know why, but they just helped me not cough (: Oh, and in the picture (the
purse) my aunt gave me one of those for Christmas in like 5th grade! Haha.

I just hate being sick, period!

Friday, September 18, 2009


First let me tell you a short version of a story about my dad. His names Jerry and he's hilarious. He IS the best dad ever. I'm really lucky to have a dad like him. My grandmother always says he's a wonderful man. Sometimes she even says she likes him better than her own son (Well, she doesn't tell her son that). I've known my dad for about 16 years now, lol, and he's pretty great. Right now he's stationed in Fort McCoy, Wisconsin for the army. Yeah I know, it sounds far and you say well at least it's only for 2 weeks or so, but that's not the case. He's stuck there for a whole year. He's been there since March of 2009, and he will hopefully come home March 2010. My mom, my sister, and I have been to Wisconsin to visit him twice and he has came home about 3 times so I haven't got to see him much. It's really hard with him gone. I miss him waking me up in the mornings saying "Rise and Shine, it's Morning Time." I just miss him being at home. It's not cool at all with my mom, my sister, and me in the house because we're all chickens, well except for my sister. If my mom and me hear a little sound in the house we get scared, its crazy. Well Last night my dad called and wanted to talk to me about when he's coming home for Thanksgiving and Christmas and stuff. I talked to him for at least half and hour. This may sound weird but I closed my eyes trying to picture him sitting there with me talking because I miss him so much :( I know I sound selfish and I feel really selfish. My family is really lucky that he is only in Wisconsin and not Iraq or anywhere overseas. It's just really hard. But we've made it half way through and I'm pretty sure we can make it through the other half! I'm just praying March comes soon!

Thursday, September 17, 2009


For some reason APUSH (AP US History) goes in one ear and out the other. It's not just that I'm not interested in it, it's just boring and hard. I can't seem to do well enough in there to get the grade I want. It's really challenging for me because well, I guess you could say social studies never been my subject. Last year I got my first C in World Civilization with Mrs. Castlen. I complained all year long about how I wish I could have gotten a better grade in there. Now, I wish I hadn't complained so much. I would go back and retake that class again, ANYDAY. That's how much I dislike APUSH. You see, right now I'm supposed to be writing an essay about all the Acts (Stamp, Tea, Sugar, Intolerable) but I'm stuck. I have part of my opening paragraph and almost my whole second one, but I'm stuck. I'm not really sure what I'm supposed to be writing. So, here as soon as I finish this I'm going to just let the words flow out and type what I know, just like I'm doing now (: It should actually be a pretty good essay, haha. My teacher makes the class really fun and he cracks jokes and breaks into random song and is hilarious, but "Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus" Doesn't help me score well on the test. As much as I like that song =] My point is, the class is fun and all but I don't learn a thing. I wish I could go back to history class where you color maps and memorize the little song for all the presidents.

Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe.
These are the US Presidents all lined up in a row.
Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, and Tyler.
Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Lincoln, Johnson.
Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison, Cleveland.
McKinley, Roosevelt, and Taft, Wilson and Harding.
Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower,
*these are the men who led our country within their binded power.
Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan too.
Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama Woo-hoo!

Lol I made up the last line because we've had more president's since then & I'm not sure about the line with a star! I think that's what it says!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

$ Money $

Money means being capable of "having" things. You use money to buy things you want and need. I want a lot of things, yet I don't always get them. That's just how the world works. Now-a-days, money is hard to come by. Things are changing with the way people are spending their money. Most people wouldn't go build a new house or buy a brand new and expensive car. I feel like school fees are never ending. You pay before school starts to get your schedule and everything, which is a couple hundred dollars. You have to buy school supplies, new clothes, new shoes, a mesh backpack, and other items that are neccesary. You also have to have lunch money. Its already close to the end of September and I've paid IDK how many club dues. People say money can't provide happiness, but in some ways it can. Money can be used for a lot of good things. For example, scholarships, Extreme Makeover Home Edition, Fundraisers, Charitys, there are unlimited organizations helping people with disease/problems/family troubles... etc. I may sound materialistic but I love money (:

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

El Club de Español!

Why do people who are older than you think they know everything? Yeah, Yeah I get the respect your elders thing but when its someone a year older than you, please? You don't have that much more intelligence or "knowing" then me. Last year during spanish club we were voting on t-shirts. I was a sophomore and these two girls (saying their names wouldn't be nice) were juniors. My friends and I had a really cute t-shirt design. They also had a design, but in everyone else's opinion, except for theirs, it was really ugly When we showed the group our design girl #1 was like "Well, yeah it's cute but our design is better and we're juniors so seniority rules." It made me so mad and we ended up getting their ugly shirts! Anyways the reason I'm writing about this is because today we have spanish club and we're voting and I'm pumped to show our t-shirt designs and we WILL win (: I love spanish and spanish class. Everybody else is like omg spanish I don't wanna go or it's so hard. Spanish is kind of dificult but I enjoy it. I actually get better grades in it then I do english :P I like english too (: I'm just saying, haha.
Spanish Club's fun; so all of you reading this should join :D

Thursday, September 10, 2009


"A family that laughs together stays together."

Laughter unifies us by bringing us together to have wonderful times. Anytime I'm with my friends and family I'm laughing. Laughter is a form of medicine that can cure a "bad day." Laughter is important because it brings joy and happiness to everyone. All of my friends make me laugh. They make me laugh because they are so random at times and we start talking about off the wall things. For example today in US History my friend Alexus and I ended up talking about Chinese Food (: Weird I know, but the whole time we were talking we were laughing! Also, my family makes me laugh. My mom is absolutely hilarious with some of the things she says. Ask any of my friends, they will tell you. I am always laughing or have a smile on face because of my family and friends. Laughter to me, seems contagious. Lets say I'm in a bad mood one day and I come into school and all my friends are sitting at the table laughing about something, well of course I'm going to ask them what their laughing about. Once they tell me, I'm most likely going to laugh. Laughing is kind of like yawning. If you see some one doing it, sooner or later you will be too.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

My Cell Phone!

So seriously, I do not know where in the world I would be without my cell phone. It is like an item in this world that I absolutely have to have, no matter what. It is a way for me to contact anyone I need to at anytime- unless we have an icestorm and I can't get reception ;) My favorite feature on my phone would have to be the handy dandy text messaging tool. I use this tool everyday. If I don't have my phone with me I like pace the floor and have to like bite my nails or do something with my hands to stay busy because I can't text. I guess you could say I have withdraws, haha. I would say I do up to 10,000 text messages a month :D Another feature that I like on my phone is Bluetooth! I love having different ringtones set for all my friends. This helps trigger memories I have with them. For example my friend Rachel's ringtone is Your a Jerk- it's a long story- ask later! (: I also like setting a ringtone for whenever I get a text message. It makes it more fun to hear a song playing than "beep, beep, beep." My phone's pretty much my life. Everythings on it. Phone Numbers, Calendar, Pictures, etc. My phone has everything and everything I need! I love it! <3 style="TEXT-ALIGN: center; MARGIN: 0px auto 10px; WIDTH: 150px; DISPLAY: block; HEIGHT: 200px; CURSOR: hand" id="BLOGGER_PHOTO_ID_5379911256988135650" border="0" alt="" src="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEi7lfXKV0nJCa_gwYcyXJiGOmNHM1wScULCqv7VG37qGIOv8yztV5znhMfqAvwm8G2p-Phy02HvrPTRwoq68mpvjudk0fawzwRSdx92G3D4uKv29wX5b7sJGRWGyL0m-sLHs3gW4Nsxkrs/s200/lg-xenon.jpg">

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

Home to me is a place where family and friends belong. A place to have fun and make memories. My home is a place used for all the holidays. Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc are all celebrated at my house. After school everyday I go to my room drop my stuff off in my room, get out my homework, take it into the living room, sit on my favorite spot on the couch; and do my homework, watch tv, and get on facebook/myspace. My favorite rooms in my house would probably the living room and the party basement! (It's finished and not scary) Haha. Even when I go to college I'll know that I will always have a room to come home to. My doors always open. Home to me feels welcoming, happy, loving, caring, and warm. If we ever have bad storms my mom always tells the neighbors that our back door is always unlocked in case they want to come get in the basement with us. The house that I call home is one of my favorite places to be, with friends and family!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Allyson Nichole Funk!

My neighbor Jennifer Thompson works at US Bank with a lady named Liz Funk. Her daughter Allyson needs a Bone Marrow Transplant. Some of the ladies who work at US Bank have been getting together and organizing fundraisers. They had a huge garage sale at Precious Blood Catholic Church in the church yard. Lucky me, my house is right beside the church yard so I was able to meet precious little Allyson! She is so small and adorable! (: They ended up making a very large amount of money from the yard sale. They also sold Boston Butts at the church which made a lot of money too. If you would like to learn more about Allyson you can go to http://www.fight4allyson.com/. This webpage had all of the updates on how she is doing and pictures of all the fundraising events. Keep Allyson in your prayers!

The night after the yardsale I thought to myself how truly lucky I am to have eveything I have. I have a good family, good health, good friends, and an overall GOOD LIFE! I felt so bad that day because earlier that morning I was complaining about cleaning my room. That little girl has been through so much throughout her life and she is so young. She probably wishes she could just stop all the hospital visits, and stay home and clean her room. I've really realized how blessed I am because of this little girl and her family! I just wanted to say Thank You Allyson! And your always in my prayers <3>