Sunday, September 20, 2009

I hate being sick!

After the game Friday night I went to Payton's house with a bunch of people. We had tons of fun (: Anyways that night when I got home I woke up in the middle of the night and I just knew I had fever.

-You know those times where your head feels re
ally hot and your eyes and head hurts. When I run fever It's always really high and my eyes get bloodshot and glossy. One time I had a 106 fever and I was seeing monsters coming out of my toy box! My mom called my doctor at home at like midnight and he said to put me in a luke warm bath because It might help lower my temperature.

Anyways back to friday night. When I woke up I couldn't find the thermometer so I just went back to bed. When I woke up for the second time I was coughing like crazy. When My mom saw me she asked me if I had fever. Then I was like I think so I don't feel good at all and how did you know? She said, Because of your eyes. So we took my temperature and it was a 103.2 which is really high for some people. It's high for me too, but I've been worse. So my mom called Dr. Houston's office and they said to rotate with tylenol and ibuprofen. They said I had the symptoms of either a virus or the flu. Then they went on to say that If I had difficulty breathing, diarrehea, or vomiting to come in and they would test me for Swine Flu!

Well, that freaked me out right then and there. I cried at first because I mean come on, who wants swine flu? But the good new is It's now sunday and I've been fever free, the headaches gone, and the coughing isn't as bad (:
The thing about me when I'm sick is, I don't want to miss school. You see, my sister and I are complete opposites if she's sick she loves missing school. But when the doctor said I could have the flu and miss up to 7 days of school, I was like Uhm No that WILL NOT happen, haha. I hate missing school because all of the tests and homework assignments. Also, I cannot miss more than one class of math. I need to hear the teacher explain it to me as a class. I'm not sure why, but that's just me. Also This wednesday we're taking the Practice ACT and I deffinately couldn't miss that.

While I was sick I probable drank 20 of these things. I don't know why, but they just helped me not cough (: Oh, and in the picture (the
purse) my aunt gave me one of those for Christmas in like 5th grade! Haha.

I just hate being sick, period!


  1. i love dr. houston...he's on vacation this week sos i have to go see amanda, lol i never had one of those purses...the purple ones are prettiest tho...and maybe green...

  2. Get well soon! I miss you :( I agree with you, I would like to miss school, but it's not worth it, too much make-up work. I remember those purses! So cute!

  3. Glad you're better! I hate being sick, too. Stefanie had one of those Kool-Aid purses, too.
