Friday, September 18, 2009


First let me tell you a short version of a story about my dad. His names Jerry and he's hilarious. He IS the best dad ever. I'm really lucky to have a dad like him. My grandmother always says he's a wonderful man. Sometimes she even says she likes him better than her own son (Well, she doesn't tell her son that). I've known my dad for about 16 years now, lol, and he's pretty great. Right now he's stationed in Fort McCoy, Wisconsin for the army. Yeah I know, it sounds far and you say well at least it's only for 2 weeks or so, but that's not the case. He's stuck there for a whole year. He's been there since March of 2009, and he will hopefully come home March 2010. My mom, my sister, and I have been to Wisconsin to visit him twice and he has came home about 3 times so I haven't got to see him much. It's really hard with him gone. I miss him waking me up in the mornings saying "Rise and Shine, it's Morning Time." I just miss him being at home. It's not cool at all with my mom, my sister, and me in the house because we're all chickens, well except for my sister. If my mom and me hear a little sound in the house we get scared, its crazy. Well Last night my dad called and wanted to talk to me about when he's coming home for Thanksgiving and Christmas and stuff. I talked to him for at least half and hour. This may sound weird but I closed my eyes trying to picture him sitting there with me talking because I miss him so much :( I know I sound selfish and I feel really selfish. My family is really lucky that he is only in Wisconsin and not Iraq or anywhere overseas. It's just really hard. But we've made it half way through and I'm pretty sure we can make it through the other half! I'm just praying March comes soon!

1 comment:

  1. LB-you don't sound selfish at all! You just sound like you want your daddy back
    = ]
    p.s--i hope march comes really soon for you too!
