Thursday, September 10, 2009


"A family that laughs together stays together."

Laughter unifies us by bringing us together to have wonderful times. Anytime I'm with my friends and family I'm laughing. Laughter is a form of medicine that can cure a "bad day." Laughter is important because it brings joy and happiness to everyone. All of my friends make me laugh. They make me laugh because they are so random at times and we start talking about off the wall things. For example today in US History my friend Alexus and I ended up talking about Chinese Food (: Weird I know, but the whole time we were talking we were laughing! Also, my family makes me laugh. My mom is absolutely hilarious with some of the things she says. Ask any of my friends, they will tell you. I am always laughing or have a smile on face because of my family and friends. Laughter to me, seems contagious. Lets say I'm in a bad mood one day and I come into school and all my friends are sitting at the table laughing about something, well of course I'm going to ask them what their laughing about. Once they tell me, I'm most likely going to laugh. Laughing is kind of like yawning. If you see some one doing it, sooner or later you will be too.

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