Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Allyson Nichole Funk!

My neighbor Jennifer Thompson works at US Bank with a lady named Liz Funk. Her daughter Allyson needs a Bone Marrow Transplant. Some of the ladies who work at US Bank have been getting together and organizing fundraisers. They had a huge garage sale at Precious Blood Catholic Church in the church yard. Lucky me, my house is right beside the church yard so I was able to meet precious little Allyson! She is so small and adorable! (: They ended up making a very large amount of money from the yard sale. They also sold Boston Butts at the church which made a lot of money too. If you would like to learn more about Allyson you can go to http://www.fight4allyson.com/. This webpage had all of the updates on how she is doing and pictures of all the fundraising events. Keep Allyson in your prayers!

The night after the yardsale I thought to myself how truly lucky I am to have eveything I have. I have a good family, good health, good friends, and an overall GOOD LIFE! I felt so bad that day because earlier that morning I was complaining about cleaning my room. That little girl has been through so much throughout her life and she is so young. She probably wishes she could just stop all the hospital visits, and stay home and clean her room. I've really realized how blessed I am because of this little girl and her family! I just wanted to say Thank You Allyson! And your always in my prayers <3>

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