Tuesday, September 15, 2009

El Club de Español!

Why do people who are older than you think they know everything? Yeah, Yeah I get the respect your elders thing but when its someone a year older than you, please? You don't have that much more intelligence or "knowing" then me. Last year during spanish club we were voting on t-shirts. I was a sophomore and these two girls (saying their names wouldn't be nice) were juniors. My friends and I had a really cute t-shirt design. They also had a design, but in everyone else's opinion, except for theirs, it was really ugly When we showed the group our design girl #1 was like "Well, yeah it's cute but our design is better and we're juniors so seniority rules." It made me so mad and we ended up getting their ugly shirts! Anyways the reason I'm writing about this is because today we have spanish club and we're voting and I'm pumped to show our t-shirt designs and we WILL win (: I love spanish and spanish class. Everybody else is like omg spanish I don't wanna go or it's so hard. Spanish is kind of dificult but I enjoy it. I actually get better grades in it then I do english :P I like english too (: I'm just saying, haha.
Spanish Club's fun; so all of you reading this should join :D

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