Tuesday, May 11, 2010
So the schedules for next year are starting to come out because there are problems coming up. The AP Gov is colliding with the IB bio or something like that. I don't have any problems in my schedule yet, thank goodness. A few of my friends were talking about the schedules and I heard about some of the classes I'm taking that their will only be one. For example my blue days are going to be something like B1- AP GOV. B2- AP CALC B3- English maybe intro to ed? B4- Study hall half semester and Econ half semester (not sure the order) Then White days will be W1- ADV 2D ART W2- English maybe intro o ed? W3- AP SPANISH IV W4- Peer tutoring. So my days aren't all that bad, I just hope that I have english on a white day because I don't know if I can handle 3 AP classes on One day!!!!! Well hopefully it will all work out! (: we'll have to wait and see!

I already posted a blog about lemonade, I know, but here's another. So this weekend was the bbq fest and I bought 2 lemon shake ups they were sooooo good! I'm really hooked on lemonade now. Its definately my favorite drink. Everyday I drink it. I have those little packets that you pour in bottled waters and I drink them all the time now. As a matter of fact, I drank one just before I opened my laptop to type this blog (: My favorite between the regular lemonade packets and the Pink Lemonade packets are the pink ones. My mom has to buy like 2 boxes of them a week! If you want to get on my good side, buy me lemonade (:
So this weekend I went to the Bbq fest 3 times! To tell you the truth I didn't really think it was as fun this year. The first time I went was friday afternoon with Rachel, Hannah, and Yvonne and it was super fun. We walked up and down the street and past the booths several times and then stopped at a cute little coffee shop that has really good brownies and they sell Jones soda (: Then later that night I went with Rachel and Alexus and it swas fun too but it started to rain so we had to leave early, or at least we thought we were leaving. Well, when we got to Blacky Chan (Alexus' car, lol) we saw that we were blocked in. A tree on one side, a car in front of us, a car behind us, and a car on the other side. So we get in the car and just sit there and chill out for a little while. Well we look to our right and see people in the car and well let's just say they were doing something very inappropriate and disgusting! we won't go there because I don't know if that's school appropriate!!! But yeah, the lady behind us ended up coming to her car about 20 mins later, so we weren't stuck there that long. It was a very long day, lol. Then alexus and rachel stayed the night and we had fun. we watched some lifetime movie about a creeper that stalked this girl it was weird but kept you wanting to watch it. Then My family from louisville came in and We went to the bbq fest again but it was awful. OMG, never take 5 small kids to the festival! 1, 3, 5,7,8. Lauren, May May, Austin, Larissa, and Dylan. I had to pack little May may aroudn the whole time bc she wore these cute little sandals and they were hurting her feet! Their granny raises them and she came with us. Her names gail and she's 51 and she raises her 4 grandchildren. She is an amazing woman and I don't know how she does it! Their dad, Tony, which is Gail's son came with them and brought his gf and her kid. Well, he was buying all the kids and her everything they wanted and letting them play games over and over again. THey had won and bought so much stuff we were packing it around with us and it bearly fit in the car. They won this blow up aliens that were hugeeee they were 6 feet tall I swear! anyways just warning you NEVER TAKE THAT MANY KIDS! lol. I had a gooood weekend though (:
Monday, April 19, 2010

Those were some of the cups but Ours were Pink and green (: and alot bigger!
Pretty Little Liars TV Show!
I'm prettttty pumped for the Pretty Little Liars TV show! I mean come on who wouldn't be excited for their favorite book series to become a TV show? You really don't understand, lol I read all 7 of these books in like less than 2 weeks. They were really good and just kept you reading more and more. I've read online a lot about the TV show lately and the cast members aren't as "fitting" to the character descriptions that I would like them to be, but I'm sure I will get used to it and still enjoy it (: It comes on, on June 8th!!!!!
Here's what wikipedia says about the series if you haven't read the books:
"The series follows the lives of four girls-- Spencer, Hanna, Aria, and Emily-- whose clique falls apart after the disappearance of their queen bee, Ali. One year later, they begin recieving text messages from someone using the name "A" who threatens to expose their secrets- including long-hidden ones they thought only Ali knew!"
I'm excited and you should watch it! Maybe I'll have a pretty little liars party at my house to watch it, who knows(:
My Laptop!
Okay so my school laptop has to be about the worst one in the whole schools! I swear ha ha something on it will break one day and then 2 days later I get it fixed and then it's already something else. Let's see hmmm, Last year My case practically fell apart so I had to get a new one of those. My charger broke too. Well it wasn't really broke. You know that big box that connects the two parts of the charger cord? well it was on top of part of the cord and it gets really hot and it burnt part of the plastic and some wire was showing so my mom made me take it to the help desk even though it still worked... which I understand. BUT what I really don't understand is that in our agenda it says 1st offense new chargers are 10.00 but I paid 15.00 because they told me that it looked like my charger got caught in a car door? wellllll, 1st of all why would I have my charger out loose in a car? yeah ok I get it ha ha. But anyways Then this year my battery died so I had to get a new one of those. Then one of my keys randomly popped off when I opened my computer. Now these two screws that are holding the black part around the screen on are loose. Great I know my laptop is amazing and always cooperates (: Oh & I have that netsweeper thing! Did I mention I looove my laptop? ha ha this picture is probably what my laptop will end up looking like. (: gotta love it.

Hard Decisions!
This past week I realized how hard it is for me to decide on things. I'm a pretty organized person and like to plan things ahead of the time. Well, my plans for last Saturday were Going to the KWC Junior Preview Day. I already had to choose to go to that or go to the Beta Club Clean Sweep that morning. So I decided to go to KWC. Well on Wednesday a lady called from KWC and was wanting me to confirm my invite on the Preview day so I said Yes, and told her that I would definitely be there. Well, then I get a phone call from my best friend Alexus asking if I wanted to go with her and our other friend Stacie to Louisville for the big fireworks show and festival, Thunder. I mean really? How could you pass that up! A weekend away with your best friends! Ha ha. So I told her let me think about it and talk to my mom and dad and see what they think I should do. Well, they both said do what You want to do. I told my dad I wanted to go to Louisville and he told me I had to call the Lady from KWC back and tell her that I couldn't make it and that something had come up. I really didn't want to do that though, I wanted to just go to Louisville and pretend I was sick and missed the Jr. Day or something. But I called her right back and told her and then I even went on to ask if I could set a date for a college visit. She told me that Was perfectly fine and I could call her back at "this number" and schedule one whenever I want to. I made a tough decision but it was the right one (:
Now I have come to the conclusion that I'm VERY indecisive. It's hard for me to even make decisions about little things let alone Huge ones! Like just the other day my mom said, "do you want to go get something to eat?" and I'm like "sure" and she's like "where at?" and I'm like "i don't know" and she's like "well make up your mind!" You see- that about proves it right there. Idk what I'm going to do in college! Maybe I should work on that some. Ha ha.
Now I have come to the conclusion that I'm VERY indecisive. It's hard for me to even make decisions about little things let alone Huge ones! Like just the other day my mom said, "do you want to go get something to eat?" and I'm like "sure" and she's like "where at?" and I'm like "i don't know" and she's like "well make up your mind!" You see- that about proves it right there. Idk what I'm going to do in college! Maybe I should work on that some. Ha ha.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Burt the Butterfly!
There are these bracelets that are really rubber bands. Everybody has been wearing them lately. Well me and my friend rachel went around one night trying to find them. we went to walgreens first because this little girl told rachel that's where you get them, well we couldnt find them. so we went to CVS pharmacy- nope. Then Rite-Aid, but they were closed. My other friend told me that you can get them at Books-A-Million so I went there with Alexus and Found theM!!!! ha ha. I want more though! I've now heard they are at the check-out lines at Walgreens, books-a-million, and HotTopic. (:

***The ones I bought were seaLife ones. Octopus, sea horse, shark, dolphin, seal, and penguin. Welllllll I really wanted the purple one which was the penguin. When I opened the package and took it out IT.WAS.A.BUTTERFLY! i was like reallyy? this is the one I wanted and its not even really what the box says. All the other ones are really the same color and animal they were supposed to be. I was like ok a butterfly that's cute, but how the heck is a butterfly considered seaLife? Idk you tell me (: ha ha oh & the octopus looks more like a squid b/c on the package it had 8 lets not 4 little feet lookin thingys.
Monday, March 22, 2010
My Spring Break :(
"I'm going to Florida for Spring Break..." is just about all I hear lately. Everybody is taking this fun vacations and going to get tan while I'm stuck here in good old Owensboro. This Spring Break we aren't going anywhere because we're installing New windows into all of our house. It may sound like a silly thing to not go on vacation for... but our house has 27 windows! And it's going to take at least 3 days to do. JOY. I REALLLLY wanted to go visit my uncle Nicky in FL like my dad said we might do, but nope, we gotta get windows. I was banking on getting a tan and having fun in FL. My mom was hoping for the same. Sooo, I think We're going to go to the tanning bed a few times over break, maybe that will help us catch up to all of our sun-tanned friends. I'll probably have people who are also stuck here in O'boro come over and hang out in our basement and watch movies or something on the days that the workers leave early or don't come. I'll try my best to make the most of it. Or at least let's hope so. (:
Family in Lousiville!

So this weekend my family from Louisville came in town and stayed the weekend (: This was pretty fun. I really enjoy everytime that they come into town. I have 4 younger cousins that come with my aunt Gail. Well you see she's not really my aunt. She's my Uncle's dad's neice- LONG STORY. But I call her my aunt. Anyways she raises her grandchildren because their mom is no good and her son (their father) doesn't care too much. They are precious little kids too. Dylan Anthony- 8 yrs old Austin Lee- 6 yrs old Kiersten Mae 4 yrs old and Lauren Rose 2 years ol
d. I call them my cousins btw. Well, a few years back Dylan and Austin started calling me Sissy- like I was their Sister or something, lol cute I know (: And they called my dad Papaw Jerry- Lol we just went with it. Now they all call us that and they call My mom- Na-Na (Renee) and my sister Esika or Esska (Jessica). The boys are my favorite just because they are a little older. You see I'm not much of a "baby" person. I like them when they get to be about 2 or 3ish. They absolutely love me too. They always call me and tell me what happened at school and stuff like that. Everytime they come in they bring me presents too. well, this time something was different. Usually they sleep at my memaw's house. But this time Dylan and Austin wanted to sleep with me. So I'm laying in my roo
m and they come in yelling SISSY SISSY! and im like oh gosh what do they want haha. I end up sleeping vertical (long ways on the bed) up against the wall. Austin sleeps all snugged up beside me. Dylan slept horizontal like on the foot of the bed. well it wasn't to bad at first, but at 6:30 the next Saturday morning, I woke up with Austin sleeping like Dylan and kicking me in the stomach. So I ended up getting up and crawling over them both to get out of the bed. It was hilarious and fun actually. I played with them practically all weekend. We have this kitchen set down in our basement behind our bar for when kids come over, so I was playing house and kitchen all weekend. BE JEALOUS (: haha. But yeah Dyland and Austin are sooooo addicted to video games. They always have been. Heck, they can beat me at like any game on them things! Play station, Wii, or Nintendo DS they are playin it! haha. They got new DS's recently and they have cameras on them. I thought that was pretty cool. I bet we took 98545678745678 pictures on them (: Their so cuuute! I love them and their pretty much like little brothers and sisters I never had. I added pics they are the best ones I could find of them! I have a ton just not on my computer!

Thursday, March 18, 2010
Driving for the First Time!
Okay, so the first time that I ever drove a car was with my cousin's wife Kris. Ric and Kris are from Maryland and they are pretty amazing! It was around Thanksgiving and I ran with Kris to the store to pick up a few things that my Mom needed. She drives a kind of large SUV that I really like. Well, once we got done with our little shopping she asked, "Do you want to drive some?" I told her sure but I had only driven a car in a parking lot with my dad once before and she told me it was ok. So anyways, I drive out of Kroger's parking lot and over by Shivley park. It took me a little while to get used to the gas pedal. Eventually I was driving smoothly and not doing too bad. I didn't freak out, like I thought I would, until this HUGE Semi-truck came down the road by Kroger. I got over on my side of the road as far as I could without hitting the curb. It made me so nervous! Then it was time for me to get onto Parrish. I was at a red light but I was needing to turn right and she said you can turn right on red and I was just like "No, It's ok I'm just gonna wait!" Haha the cars behind me were so mad, you could tell. Once we were down on the road a bit I knew I had to get to Carter to get home some how. My mom turns left by the Kangaroo Gas station (I'm not sure what it's called, that's just my name for it) so I couldn't decide whether to do that or go up to the light where carter is. I decided to turn by the gas station. Its a really weird turn, it's like a half circle not just a Straight turn, if that makes sense. Anyways I safely made it down Carter until it was time to turn on West 5th St Rd (my road). It was green but there was a car in the lane going straight where I needed to turn and I thought that Kris' car was pretty big and I didn't know if I could fit so I was like I'm gonna go straight and go around the block. LOL, it was quite an experience (:
Monday, March 15, 2010

So for Lent this year, I decided to give up Cokes. I also decided that I was going to walk on the treadmill everyday for either 20 minutes or a mile. That doesn't sound so bad huh? It's really not, I mean it doesn't even take 20 minutes to walk a mile on the treadmill so it's do-able! (: Idk why I decided to do that, I mean I guess we've had our treadmill and I walk on it during the summer a lot but not during school, It's not gonna hurt me to do it so I was like what the heck, why not! Haha. The giving up cokes part isn't so bad either. I haven't ever really been a big "coke" drinker. My mom is AWFUL about it though. She's addicted to them! Oh & when I say cokes I mean soda in general. We've been buying diet Big K Cola's, Diet dr. K, and Diet Citrus Drop drinks from Kroger lately because they are on sale. They aren't half bad to tell you the truth. Usually I just drink gatorade, water, or tea. A few days out of the week I would drink maybe a Diet Citrus Drop after school or if we go to the gas station I'll get a dr. pepper, but I never realized how much you CAN want something when you CAN'T have it! LOL. I've never "craved" a coke before, but this Lent that is like all I want is a Coke. The only coke I have drank during Lent is a Sprite a few times. I felt bad at first but then mom convinced me that Sprite isn't really a coke or whatever, I think I've had 3 total- so It's not really cheating. (:
Who would you call First?

In just about any situation, I would call my Mom first! I tell my mom everything basically! haha. All of my friends always make fun of me because I always call and check in, I don't see what's so bad about it, I just like her knowing where I'm going just in case something were to happen. Most people are like why would you want your mom knowing everywhere you go? My mom's different, She doesn't care- to an extent- what I do as long as she knows what it is and where it is and what I'm doing, lol. It's not that bad. But yeah I would deffinately call my mom first! Just a couple weeks ago, I don't know how but at lunch we got on the topic of what it a "shooter" came in our school!?!? what would you do?!?! I was like uhm I'd probably call my mom and tell her I love her!!!! And everybody else is like I'd be running out of the school! And I was like yeah I'd probably head for the closest door and when I felt safe call her, lol. Idk, that's another thing you don't really know how you would react until your in The particular situation haha. But yeah I just rambled on about a few things, but hey it's a blog!
Monday, March 8, 2010
ACT Time!
Recently at school, all the Juniors took the ACT. I've already taken it before so I sort of knew what I was getting into, lol. I was hoping to get a better score this time. Hopefully those will come in soon by the way. Anyways, I think I did really good on english because I got done early and checked a lot of my answers, it wasn't very challenging to me, which was good! The math section is always one of my hardest. I knew the first like 30 problems easily and then the last half was harder, but I think I did OK. Reading is always a section that I never finish. Most people just read the questions then hunt for the answers. I, personally, can't do that. I have to read or skim the passage then find the answers. I found a new strategy. There are about 4 passages on the test and I looked at the title of each and picked the ones I thought were the easiest and just skimmed those ones but made sure I got the answers write. Then I actually read the harder, science themed ones. I finished in time and think I did pretty well. The science portion isn't really as hard as it seems. Mrs. Clark made us do the e-prep practice tests and I think those helped me out a lot. It helped me better understand how you find the answers and everything. Overall I think I did pretty well on the test (: Maybe I even scored High enough so that I don't have to re-take it! Wouldn't that be nicee.
Headed to State!
The results came in from the Foreign Language Festival last week! I'm going to state for the third time (: I'm pretty pumped this year! Ok, so freshman and sophomore year I was able to go to State for Listening Proficiency 3rd place. This year I placed 1st!!!!! I was so excited when Kelsey texted me and said that Senora Garner sent out the email! But, the best news is, Stephanie and I competed in Dialogue where you go in and carry out a converstation with each other in front of a judge about the topics they give you. We were sooo nervous! Once we got there we realized that there were only 3 teams trying for that subject. We thought we actually have a shot! Anyways to sum it all up once we got in there we TALKED, and TALKED, and TALKED, and TALKED. I kept glancing at the judge like Uhm is can we stop yet? haha and then finally when we took a small pause she's like Ok ladies that's all I need and smiled (: We were forsure we got 1st! But we got 2nd which is still good seeing as it was our first time. My roomies are going to be Katie, Alexus, and Hannah! I can't wait! (: I'll post another blog in May when states over to let you know how it was and put up some pics maybe!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Yesterday Was The Day!

So, My Dad came Home yesterday (: It was pretty great! It's awesome to have him home finally! I actually posted this as a draft the day after he came home, but Didn't have time to finish it so I'm doing it now, like a week later! Well, now that he's been home for around a week It's awesome. I love my dad and am so thankful that he is here with me everyday. It's the little things he does which are what I miss most. Like when he leaves for work in the morning he wakes me up for school before he goes and says "rise and shine its daddy time" lol silly I know but I love it. Also, when I get home from school and he gets off work he always asks me how my day at school was and what I learned. I missed that so much. Hmm, what else. I also believe it or not miss him telling me to do things or go get things for him. "Laura Beth take out the trash when you get done with your homework or Stinky (sometimes he calls me that, don't ask) bring me something to drink would ya." Lol but yeah Just letting you guys know that he's home and hopefully here to stay (:
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Who or what makes you laugh?
I laugh at a lot of different things. Pretty much anything people say I laugh at. It doesn't technically have to be funny, I just laugh. For example if I see somebody get hurt. I usually laugh, even though it may not be funny. Another thing that I think is particularly funny is when people are arguing. It's usually a over something stupid and it just makes me laugh. Also, if someone is telling a joke... sometimes it takes me a few minutes to get it, lol but when I do It takes me forever to stop laughing. Over all I'm a very bubbly person. I laugh at just about anything. It takes a lot to make me mad or sad. I usually walk around with a smile on my face and I'm usually in a good mood. If not,
then I'm either sick or upset about something. Hmm let me think... what else makes me laugh? My mom makes me laugh. She's always saying funny stuff or old sayings that my grandma used to say when they were younger. Everybody says I talk just like my mom and I am just like my mom, so when I hear her talk it Makes me laugh because I always ask myself "Do I talk like that" when she says stuff. One other thing that makes me laugh is my Chemistry class! We always talk about random stuff and are doing fun stuff in class. It's pretty amazing (:

So a lot of people I know have birthdays in February! It just so happens so do I (: Feb. 24th! That's today!!!!! Lol, I know this blog won't say that though because this is a draft. I don't really have too many plans for my Birthday this year. My mom and I are going to go shopping after school for a few new clothes. When we get done my Memaw's coming over and my mom's going ot make Enchiladas! We usually go out to eat on our birthdays but since my dad comes home in a week I'm just going to wait until then! After we eat, I'll open a few presents and we'll eat cake. I got my favorite type of cake this year! ICECREAM CAKE! (: And it's sooooo cute! It has pink and lime green polka dots on it! My favorite colors and everybody knows I love anything that has polka dots. Then on Friday after the Foreign Language Festival I'm going over to my friend Sarah's house. Her granmother will probably do something special for me, because she loves me haha, and I'm like her adopted Grandchild! Then when my dad gets home we'll go out to eat and stuff and I might have people over for my birthday and have like a little movie party!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
My Best Friend!

Have you ever had something that you and your best friend just don't agree on at all? Well in my case it's my best friends boyfriend. I don't approve of him at all! He's just bad news and she just doesn't get that! When they are together he tells her everything she wants to hear so she will stay with him. Well, I saw this very quickly when they started dating. (So did her mom, sister, and other friend Chasity.) I talked to her about it and she just seems to think that he is perfect. Well we're not gonna get into all of his negative traits and ACTIONS... there are way too many. But it just stinks because I feel like I'm slowly losing my Best Friend of 10 years! Hopefully she will come to her senses and realize that he is a LOSER and she should dump him! I think she will soon enough, or at lest let's hope so (: Sorry guys, this blogs kind of a rant on and on about something. I'll be sure to post better ones next time!
Friday, February 12, 2010
I'm not really sure what classes I'm going to take next year. I've been stressing out about it a lot lately. I know I'm going to be taking a lot of AP/IB classes so that I can become better prepared for college. So far I'm taking AP English 12. I've spoken with a lot of former AP English students and they have all said that it helps to better prepare them. They said that the class helps improve your writing tremendously also. I'm taking AP Calculus which will be a challenge for me because math is one of the hardest subjects for me. I am also taking AP US Gov. I think this class will be fun to take. Hopefully next year I will get to go on the Washington trip too! Another AP Class I'm taking is Spansish 4. Spanish is like my favorite subject and I enjoy learning about it. I'm actually fairly good at it too! I love going to the Foreign Language Festival and for the past 2 years I have made it to State! The other classes I'm planning on taking are honors Econ and a half of year study hall. I also just got accepted into Peer Tutoring and hope that will be a lot of fun and rewarding. I love working with Special Needs children and plan on becoming a Special Education Teacher. I'm also taking Intro to Education. One other class that I'm going to take is Advanced two-dimensional art. I love doing art. I've taken art since freshmen year. I started out with 3D and went to Adv. 3D then 2D so I'm going to continue on with Advanced 2D.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Thank Goodness For Friends!
I have the best friends that anyone can ask for! Their always there when I need them and always there when I need somebody to talk to. I can always count on most of them to be there for me. Just about anytime I want to hang out with somebody because I've had a bad day or I'm just bored, at least one of my friends does. Recently, my sister and I got into a silly arguement but I was really mad at her and just wanted to get out of the house so one of my friends Alexus, and I went over to her house to hangout and just chill. I'm so thankful to have friends like her! Idk what I would do without my friends! I have a great family too, don't get me wrong and I love them to death, but sometimes you just need to get out ya know? Haha my sister and I have been butting heads lately and kind of arguing a lot. That's why I enjoy having our basement because all of my friends can just come over and hang out down there and not worry about my sister. My sister is pretty much amazing though (: She is really a great sister, but just like normal- her and I fight a lot... Sometimes I wonder if its more than normal!
Pretty Little Liars!

So there's this series of books called Pretty Little Liars and I am ADDICTED to reading them ha ha! I started reading like the first 3 or 4 of them last year from our school library. Then I stopped because they didn't have any of the next books. Well, recently I went to the bookstore with Alexus and I saw that these books were on clearance for about $4 a piece so I had to get them! This was maybe two weeks ago and I'm already on the fourth one! Their the type of books that you can't stop reading because each chapter runs together and something even more interresting happens which makes you want to keep on reading. At night when I'm reading I just can't seem to put the book down, lol. I guess everyone knows what I'll be doing this weekend (:
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Last Tuesday was a very interesting Tuesday Morning. Unexpectedly my mom wakes me up at around 5 o'clock in the morning (I usually get up at around 6 or 6:30). She wanted me to wake up with her because she thought there was an electrical problem. I didn't want to get up so then she was like Laura Beth you need to get up with me I'm smelling burning rubber and I think something is smoking in the kitchen. Well, with that information I got up really quick. As soon as I walked into the kitchen I smelled it too. My sister's room is in the basement and my mom said all that she could think about was the circuits and electrical box being down there and so was my sister so my mom made me call Jessica to get upstairs. So I did. My mom was trying to decide whether there was a fire or what was going out- she was freaking out, and by that time I was crying because I thought the house was going to burn down. My sister kept saying Mom, just call 911! So we all went outside and mom called 911. When the firefighter's got there, there were about 6 firetrucks, Lined up and down West 5th Street Road and Dalton Street (my house is on the corner.) With my dad being away in Wisconsin my mom hadn't a clue what to do, so she called one of our old neighbors, Donald and Jennifer, that now live a street over and they came over to be with us. When they got there, the firefighters were already in the house and everything. We were just outside waiting. I didn't have any contacts in or anything, so I couldn't see. My shirt was on wrong-side out and on backwards, so the tag was sticking out on the front. I had on PJ pants and house shoe boots and my hair was in a messy bun on top of my head. By that time I put my contacts in. Then, the firefighter's turn on the big BRIGHT spotlights and I'm thinking, how fun a bright spot light shined on me for all the neighbors to see my when I'm dressed in this, LOL but I didn't care at that point. My uncle Jody, Andy, and cousin Terrill are all firefighters but none of them were on call at the time. One of the firefighters saw a sign in our basement that says "Fiorella's Pool Hall" and he asked which Fiorella lived here and my mom said Jerry Pat and they knew him... of course, haha. Anyways to sum it all up, the problem wasn't our fault. OMU had a break in the lines outside supposedly and no "neutral electricity" was running to our house and our breaker box was like sparking and catching on fire and heating up really quick. The firefighter said if we didn't call within the next 10 minutes or so... the wood floor panels that seperate the basement to the upstairs would have caught fire. Now, we have our electricity fixed and everything, but it shorted out a bunch of our appliances. Our microwave, a refridgerator in the basement, some florescent lights in the basement, and a surge protector for our computer. So OMU will pay for all that which is good and our house is back to normal again (:
Monday, January 25, 2010
Movie Ratings!
Okay so this
past Sunday I went to the movies with Alexus, her little sister Maddie, and her friend Sarah. We went to go see Avatar-3D. I was bored at first but as the movie progressed it got better. The movie ended up being like 3 HOURS LONG. The worst part of it was it cussed WAY TOO MUCH! It was rated PG-13 but it shouldn't have been! It said the GD word like 20 times no joke. It said the B word, the D word, and I'm pretty sure the F word at least once. It pretty much said all the words you can imagine! Everytime it said one I just turned to Alexus and looked at her like OMG. There has to be some sort of restriction on which words and how many times they are said. If there aren't then there really should be because I'm sure there are a lot of movies out there that are rated wrong.

In this movie it says: "Moderately strong language used by Military Men"
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Alexus Rae Sinnett: Her trademark would have to be the Louisville Cardinals and her car. When I hear her name these are the two things that I immediately think of. Her dad and her are Louisville fans and my dad and I are UK fans. At her dad's house they have a Louisville flag outside, that's how I know which house is hers, lol. When she stays the night with me she always sleeps in either Louisville PJ pants or shorts. Alexus' car.... That's a very fun topic to talk about (: I loooove riding in Alexus car. We always have fun listening to the CD's that we make at my house. We have fun in her car singing the songs and cruising around. Oh and when I say have fun we're safe too, haha don't worry everyone. Alexus is a greaaaaaaat driver (:
Sarah Caitlin Wilhite: Her trademark is probably her laughter. It's the absolute best thing about her. We always are laughing when we are together. The way she laughs is hilarious too! She like ends up crying EVERYtime she laughs because she laughs so hard. Her face gets all red sometimes and she can't breathe, lol its funny.
Rachel Elizabeth Adkins: Rachel's trademark would have to be duct tape and her keys! She has a pretty cool wallet that she made out of duct tape and she can make all kinds of stuff like roses and stuff haha. All the stuff she makes is really awesome. Her keys are always around her neck or in her pocket. Their on this rainbow string thing and they have her keys and a wooden keychain that says Rachel. I always feel so cool when she lets me wear them (:
Those are just a few of my friends' trademarks- I was gonna blog about everybody but I ended up typing a lot on these so I'm gonna stop.
Sarah Caitlin Wilhite: Her trademark is probably her laughter. It's the absolute best thing about her. We always are laughing when we are together. The way she laughs is hilarious too! She like ends up crying EVERYtime she laughs because she laughs so hard. Her face gets all red sometimes and she can't breathe, lol its funny.
Rachel Elizabeth Adkins: Rachel's trademark would have to be duct tape and her keys! She has a pretty cool wallet that she made out of duct tape and she can make all kinds of stuff like roses and stuff haha. All the stuff she makes is really awesome. Her keys are always around her neck or in her pocket. Their on this rainbow string thing and they have her keys and a wooden keychain that says Rachel. I always feel so cool when she lets me wear them (:
Those are just a few of my friends' trademarks- I was gonna blog about everybody but I ended up typing a lot on these so I'm gonna stop.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
The other day in English, Mrs. Matthews gave us a blog writing prompt about words that seem ugly to us. Well, instead of ugly words, I'm going to write about ugly names. My aunt Gail lives in Louisville and she works as a Child Services worker... she gets people to pay child support and stuff of that sort. Anyways she came in town and we were talking about baby names, idk why we just were. I was thinking about it and I really do love my last name and I was like, "When I'm older I think I should keep my last name and have twin girls and name them Ella and Bella Fiorella! Would that not be cute? Lol, but yeah my mom was like "laura beth no, those kids would get laughed at all the time... and i was all, "i know, lol thats cruel." If you think that is bad listen to this. Gail heard what I said and she was telling me about some of the names that people name their kids in Louisville. Some are: Penny Money, Chicken Little, and Marijuana Stoner! Now, THAT is cruel. Those children have to live with that name for the REST OF THEIR LIVES!! Wow, I'd never do that to my kids. Another thing, in Chemistry Mrs. Clarke was telling us about names too. Who in the right mind would name their kids orangejello and lemonjello! It sounds like ORAN-JELLO and LEMON-JELLO. I think they are going for some french sounding name or something, lol. This one is the ABSOLUTE WORST. Shithead- No I'm not cussing- it's pronounced SHI-TAY-UH for a girl and SHI-THEEED for a boy. That is awful! The last one which is funny, but mean is L-a pronounced L DASH UH.
I just though these were funny so I thought I would share with everyone (:
I just though these were funny so I thought I would share with everyone (:
Monday, January 18, 2010
I <3 White Days!
First off, my classes are WAY EASIER than on blue days. Chemistry, Study Hall, Spanish, and Art. On blue days I have Pre-Calculus, AP US History, English, and Sociology. Then, white
day lunches are so much more fun than on blue days. My white day lunch "crew" is the best! It's Me, Ashley, Steph, Marley, Shelbey, Shelby, Hannah, Yvonne, and a few other people. Oh & Derek, lol you can't forget Dere
k. We always have the best of times during lunch.We have made so many memories like Handcuffs, SlimShady, 21! And a lot more but I can't really think of them right now. I like white days soooo much better than blue days! Plus on white days I get to see my bff Ashley twice and NONE on blue days :( And another thing, the school really doesn't want me to be friends with Miss Marley Elizabeth Edmonson, because we haven't had a class together since Freshman Year. Lol, they put us together then and realized that we would cause trouble so they decided to split us up while they could! Haha, but that didn't stop us, We're still BFF's (:
I'm not really sure the point in this blog, but I wanted to blog so Yeaaaaah!

I'm not really sure the point in this blog, but I wanted to blog so Yeaaaaah!
Thursday, January 14, 2010
American Idol!
So for the past two nights my sister and I watched American Idol together. Watching TV or movies is like the best thing to do with my sister because we like the same things really. Like Criminal Minds, NCIS, American Idol, The Bachelor, Bad Girls Club, Real World... stuff like that. The absolute best part of the show, or so we think is watching the auditions. I'm not trying to be mean or anything... but do some of those people actually think they are decent singers? I would NEVER audition for American Idol unless I absolutely 100% knew I was good, and well other people told me so! There is no way that some of those people have actually had compliments on their singing. It seems to me that they are setting themselves up for embarrassment... in some cases more like humiliation. But, they have to have a lot of guts to get up their and audition on TV I guess. I just don't understand how they think they are good. Haha but anyways some of my favorites were probably the guy that had a britney spears shirt on that said "britney changed my life" and he sang Oops I Did It Again. LOL, and the boy who sang "cause everytime we touch I get this feeling and everytime we kiss I swear I can fly... now cant you feel my heart beat slow, I can't let you go... I need to you in my life" It's the song that some seniors guys performed at Eagle Fest this year. They did a project with if for GSA/GSP last year and It was hilarious! It just made me think of that! Another one I liked was the guy that was trying to hook up with Mary J. Blige. He was hilarious! Well, those are the No-Talent people that I liked, haha. Some of my favorite singers were the really young girl, I can't remember where she was from or anything but she had an AMAZING voice. There was also a black guy that was maybe 19 who spent his life taking care of his sickly Mother and was a big part of his church Choir. He was really good too. I also like the Country Girl form Volmore Tenessee or whatever, haha. I LOVED her accent. My sister kept making fun of me and said you sound like her. But I don't really sound THAT country. She was hilarious and had a good personailty & voice. That's about all I can remember. Cool Blog, I know (: Haha.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Free Time?!
Okay, so today when I got home I started on my homework like I usually do. Well, somehow I finished almost all of my homework! I did my spanish first because I knew that it would take me the longest. I had to find an article in spanish and then read it and then summarize it. It was about Human Rights. It took me a little while, but it wasn't too difficult. Then, I did some chemistry work that isn't technically due tomorrow but it should be done. Then I wrote another article summary for Sociology. I just finished reading about 10 pages of the reading assignment! This is seriously about the fastest I've done my homework this year. Now I can relax. I'm putting new music on my ipod right now and just texting people. I'm loving this free time. Haha lately I've just been really busy. I'm probably going to Subway to get some food with my sister and then coming home to watch American Idol, fun fun (: and then the new episode of Bad Girls Club. This blogs really just babbling on, but I'm pretty pumped about this free time I have... soooo I decided to blog (:
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
56 Days!

I'm really excited for March to roll around. My dad's coming home & I CAN'T WAIT! I'm sure he's going to be happy to come home too. This year has been... weird not having my dad around and everything. He's always been there before and then he just has to, well leave. I may sound selfish and everything because I know that people's parents are divorced and they have to deal with it everyday, but I'm really not used to it. I am sooo blessed that my parents are still together, I don't know how I would live if they weren't. I feel like such a little kid when I talk about how much I miss my dad. Over spring break of last year my dad came home because he had "leave" time. He knew he wasn't going to be home for his and my mom's 20th anniversery so he got tickets to a Nascar race in Florida. My mom absolutely loves Nascar. She used to go to the races a lot when she was younger. So they both went to Florida for a week or so. I really felt like a little kid then, because I cried once or twice because I missed them. I was just not getting used to not having one parent around, but when both of them are gone, that just wasn't cool, haha. This is another reason why I'm so nervous about college. I'm going to get VERY homesick... even if I do go close to home. Hopefully, I will "grow up" and get us
ed to it. I think I am already starting actually. I used to not like staying home at all because I would hear things or just get freaked out... but lately I've been staying home alone a lot when my Mom has meetings or has to go to help with my Memaw. As a matter of fact, Last night I stayed home all afternoon until about 9:30! I was proud of myself (: Lol. But yeah back to the MAIN point of my blog.... my Dad comes home in 56 days!!!!! You guys just don't understand how excited I am, things will somewhat go back to normal, haha. This is been the LONGEST year of my life, I can say that now! haha.

BTW, these pics are from Christmas!
Monday, January 4, 2010
In the blog I posted earlier, I talked about going away to college next year. I'm pretty sure I want to stay in Kentucky. There are more positives this way, then going half way across the United States. For one, I get to use KEYS money, which will be very helpful. Also, I will be close to home. I think that if I go too far away from home then I will become home sick. When I was little I could bearly stay the night at a friends house without missing my parents or wanting to go home. I know that going close to home is the best thing for me. There are a few colleges I have in mind, I haven't done much "looking into" though. I've been to Western several times for Foreign Language Festivals and I really enjoy their campus. My mom went there and it seems like a good school. It's only 45 minutes away, which sounds liveable, lol. This way if I was ever to get a phone calls saying something went wrong, I could leave if I needed to and make it there at a decent hour. Another school that I have in mind is UK. I've been there a few times as well for the Foreign Language Festival and also for Basketball games with my dad. UK Basketball is something that my Dad and I share. I don't really get into it as much as he does, but I always watch games with him, especially UK vs. Lousiville. Btw, did you guys watch the game? Haha, Alexus sorry that Lousiville lost & I'm sorry that my Dad hates you because you don't like UK. You know he was joking right? But anyways, UK is a great school as well. My dad went their and he's always saying, if you go there get me some tickets, haha. There's only one bad side that I can really think of about UK. It's in Lexington! It's not THAT far away, but it's FAR ENOUGH. What is is like 3 hours? That doesn't really sound that bad, but to me it seems really far. Now my Mom on the other hand wants me to stay right here in Owensboro. She is always saying, why don't you just go to KWC. That's another thing my Dad and I have in common. My Uncle Tony is real big in Kentucky Wesleyan somehow and he gets my Dad tickets to the Basketball games. I love going to see the Panthers play with my dad and Uncle Ton! Haha. But you see, Wesleyan is a little too close to home. I'm not really sure where I want to go yet. I know I really need to figure it out soon though. Hopefully I will, Wish me luck! (:

New Year, New Me!

Everybody talks about their New Year's Resolutions and what not. I always set one, but never follow through with it. This year I hope it's going to be different. I'm not really setting any Resolutions, but I'm changing my ways. I want to bring some of my grades up. My B's right now are APUSH, English, and Math. I hope I can bring them up at High B's or maybe even A's! That would be nice. Also, I would like to sleep more! I know that's not a very big change but I really need to "improve" my sleeping habits. I got spoiled over Christmas break. I stayed up verrrry late and had friends over too many times. Then I would just sleep until like 11. I absolutely HATE sleeping in. I know weird huh, A teenager that hates sleeping in? But when I wake up and I look at my phone and it's 11 or 12... I feel I've wasted half of the day! I think that on weekends 8 is late enough! I used to wake up at at least 8 or 9 every day no matter how late I stayed up, but that's changed. Another thing I want to do this summer is "grow up." My mom has spoiled me for so long. I'll admit it. She wakes me up for school EVERY morning, I don't use an alarm clock. She also washes my laundry and cooks for me. I can cook some things, but not too many. It's not really a bad thing, but it's a thing that I want to break away of. I've just been thinking lately about how I'm growing up and will be graduating next year. I'm going to go away for college, hopefully not too far (probably Western). So, this summer I want to learn how to cook more meals, how to wake up with an alarm clock, and I'm going to start doing my own laundry, if she'll let me, haha. My mom has always done all of this stuff for me, I don't hate her for it, I'm very thankful for a Mother that cares and takes care of me.... even if it is too much sometimes, lol (: But back to the topic of college, well I'll post another blog about that Later!
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