Thursday, December 10, 2009


But anyways, I looooooooooooove my chemistry class now (:
Just sayin'
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Favorite Decoration!

Monday, December 7, 2009
Childhood Memories!

"I love you, you love me, were a happy family, with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you, won't you say you love me too! (:
Last 2 Weeks!

Best Saturday Ever!
Monday, November 30, 2009

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Thanksgiving Break!

Monday, November 16, 2009
My Closet!

Sunday, November 15, 2009
FEA State!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Leaves, Leaves, and more Leaves!

Thursday, November 5, 2009
Well, here's what my afternoons & mornings consist of.
When I get home from school, at around 3:30, I usually immediately start on homework. Either that or eat a snack and watch TV for like an hour. Depending on how much homework I have the time varies on when I take a shower. I wash my hair every other night because it is SO thick and a pain to fix. Anyways If I wash my hair and want to straighten it then I usually wash it around 5, then I give it around 3 hours to air dry. (if I blowdry it it gets huuuuuge) Sometimes it doesn't take three hours, it just depends. Then I straighten it that night before I go to bed, which usually takes about an hour. Then you see its dry by 8, then I straighten it til around 9. Then I either study for tests I have or get on the computer for about an hour. If I havent completed all of my homework that's when I do that. Then I'm hopefully in bed by 10, but that's on a good night! Other times I'm up fairly late. I swear I think I'm sleep deprived :/ haha. Then I usually get my backpack ready for the next morning. But anyways that's my nights for ya. Oh & Supper fits in whenever just depending on if my mom cooks or we go down to my Memaw's (a block away) or out to eat (rarely happens) lol.
Mornings on the other hand, don't require that much. I get up at around 6:15, the past few days when my mom woke me up I yelled and asked if I could sleep 15 more minutes and she said yes, so that helped out w/ the sleep deprivation believe it or not. Anyways when I get up in the morning I always have to pee, so I do that, haha then I brush my teeth and put contacts in (I don't sleep in those) and stuff. Then I go to my room get dressed. Then I go back to the bathroom and do my hair. If I stayed up that night straightening my hair and I took my time, then usually all I have to do is touch up the back of my hair and it looks fine. I'll either wear it up in a ponytaiL, back in a clip, part up part down, or in a headband, usually never all then way down, don't like it too much. Then If I didn't get my backpack ready then I do that. Then If I have time I update my Facebook/Myspace status (: Then I make sure I have everything lunch money, papers signed, extra stuff I need for classes, all that jazz. Then My mom and I leave around 7 because she has to be at work at 7:30. Somedays we stop at the gas station because she needs ones instead of 5's or 10's or whatever because she buys a diet mountain dew or somethign everyday at her school.
Today was a looong morning that's why I decided to blog about this! But tomorrow's friday, so it should be better (:
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
My Best Friend!

Monday, October 26, 2009
Fall Break!

Monday, October 12, 2009
Can you sense Halloween time?
I see the leaves of trees changing colors and covering the ground. I see carved Jack-O-lanterns on porches. I see children trying on their costumes weeks before the 31st. I see orange and black everywhere at Walmart. I see the Halloween stores opening up to sell decorations and costumes.
Halloween is here... What do you hear?
I hear scary music playing in all the stores. I hear Mrs. Matthews doing her really cool laugh when reading a Halloween book. I hear Trick or Treat? I hear BOO! I hear knocks on the doors. I hear of all the Halloween Parties. I hear the leaves crackling under my feet.
Halloween is here... What do you smell?
I smell Mom's pumpkin spice candles (: I smell the carmel for the apples. I smell Pumpkins being carved. I smell Fall outside (undescribable) haha. I smell all kinds of Halloween treats being baked in Mom's kitchen.
Halloween is here... What do you taste?
I taste Candy. I taste Reese's from Sarah's Memaw (She always saves me like 10 for trick or treating!). I taste Popcorn Balls. I taste Carmel Apples and Pumpkin seeds. I taste carmel apple suckers. I taste all the good Halloween Treats!
Halloween is here... What do you feel?
I feel the cool Fall breeze. I feel the sweat on my face from wearing my scary mask. I feel the different textures of all the wrappers from different candy. I feel a hand grabbing mine from the candy bowl. I feel the fake fangs in my mouth. I feel the fake blood dripping down my chin. I feel LIKE IT'S HALLOWEEN (:
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Darkness Falls!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Ghost Story!
Halloween Poem!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009
My favorite Color!
Monday, September 21, 2009

PS: I always used to want this car, lol. ------------------>
Sunday, September 20, 2009
I hate being sick!
-You know those times where your head feels really hot and your eyes and head hurts. When I run fever It's always really high and my eyes get bloodshot and glossy. One time I had a 106 fever and I was seeing monsters coming out of my toy box! My mom called my doctor at home at like midnight and he said to put me in a luke warm bath because It might help lower my temperature.
Anyways back to friday night. When I woke up I couldn't find the thermometer so I just went back to bed. When I woke up for the second time I was coughing like crazy. When My mom saw me she asked me if I had fever. Then I was like I think so I don't feel good at all and how did you know? She said, Because of your eyes. So we took my temperature and it was a 103.2 which is really high for some people. It's high for me too, but I've been worse. So my mom called Dr. Houston's office and they said to rotate with tylenol and ibuprofen. They said I had the symptoms of either a virus or the flu. Then they went on to say that If I had difficulty breathing, diarrehea, or vomiting to come in and they would test me for Swine Flu!
Well, that freaked me out right then and there. I cried at first because I mean come on, who wants swine flu? But the good new is It's now sunday and I've been fever free, the headaches gone, and the coughing isn't as bad (: The thing about me when I'm sick is, I don't want to miss school. You see, my sister and I are complete opposites if she's sick she loves missing school. But when the doctor said I could have the flu and miss up to 7 days of school, I was like Uhm No that WILL NOT happen, haha. I hate missing school because all of the tests and homework assignments. Also, I cannot miss more than one class of math. I need to hear the teacher explain it to me as a class. I'm not sure why, but that's just me. Also This wednesday we're taking the Practice ACT and I deffinately couldn't miss that.
While I was sick I probable drank 20 of these things. I don't know why, but they just helped me not cough (: Oh, and in the picture (the purse) my aunt gave me one of those for Christmas in like 5th grade! Haha.

I just hate being sick, period!
Friday, September 18, 2009

First let me tell you a short version of a story about my dad. His names Jerry and he's hilarious. He IS the best dad ever. I'm really lucky to have a dad like him. My grandmother always says he's a wonderful man. Sometimes she even says she likes him better than her own son (Well, she doesn't tell her son that). I've known my dad for about 16 years now, lol, and he's pretty great. Right now he's stationed in Fort McCoy, Wisconsin for the army. Yeah I know, it sounds far and you say well at least it's only for 2 weeks or so, but that's not the case. He's stuck there for a whole year. He's been there since March of 2009, and he will hopefully come home March 2010. My mom, my sister, and I have been to Wisconsin to visit him twice and he has came home about 3 times so I haven't got to see him much. It's really hard with him gone. I miss him waking me up in the mornings saying "Rise and Shine, it's Morning Time." I just miss him being at home. It's not cool at all with my mom, my sister, and me in the house because we're all chickens, well except for my sister. If my mom and me hear a little sound in the house we get scared, its crazy. Well Last night my dad called and wanted to talk to me about when he's coming home for Thanksgiving and Christmas and stuff. I talked to him for at least half and hour. This may sound weird but I closed my eyes trying to picture him sitting there with me talking because I miss him so much :( I know I sound selfish and I feel really selfish. My family is really lucky that he is only in Wisconsin and not Iraq or anywhere overseas. It's just really hard. But we've made it half way through and I'm pretty sure we can make it through the other half! I'm just praying March comes soon!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe.
These are the US Presidents all lined up in a row.
Adams, Jackson, Van Buren, Harrison, and Tyler.
Polk, Taylor, Fillmore, Pierce, Buchanan, Lincoln, Johnson.
Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Cleveland, Harrison, Cleveland.
McKinley, Roosevelt, and Taft, Wilson and Harding.
Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt, Truman, Eisenhower,
*these are the men who led our country within their binded power.
Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan too.
Bush, Clinton, Bush, and Obama Woo-hoo!
Lol I made up the last line because we've had more president's since then & I'm not sure about the line with a star! I think that's what it says!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
$ Money $

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
El Club de EspaƱol!
Spanish Club's fun; so all of you reading this should join :D
Thursday, September 10, 2009

Laughter unifies us by bringing us together to have wonderful times. Anytime I'm with my friends and family I'm laughing. Laughter is a form of medicine that can cure a "bad day." Laughter is important because it brings joy and happiness to everyone. All of my friends make me laugh. They make me laugh because they are so random at times and we start talking about off the wall things. For example today in US History my friend Alexus and I ended up talking about Chinese Food (: Weird I know, but the whole time we were talking we were laughing! Also, my family makes me laugh. My mom is absolutely hilarious with some of the things she says. Ask any of my friends, they will tell you. I am always laughing or have a smile on face because of my family and friends. Laughter to me, seems contagious. Lets say I'm in a bad mood one day and I come into school and all my friends are sitting at the table laughing about something, well of course I'm going to ask them what their laughing about. Once they tell me, I'm most likely going to laugh. Laughing is kind of like yawning. If you see some one doing it, sooner or later you will be too.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
My Cell Phone!
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Home Sweet Home!
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Allyson Nichole Funk!

My neighbor Jennifer Thompson works at US Bank with a lady named Liz Funk. Her daughter Allyson needs a Bone Marrow Transplant. Some of the ladies who work at US Bank have been getting together and organizing fundraisers. They had a huge garage sale at Precious Blood Catholic Church in the church yard. Lucky me, my house is right beside the church yard so I was able to meet precious little Allyson! She is so small and adorable! (: They ended up making a very large amount of money from the yard sale. They also sold Boston Butts at the church which made a lot of money too. If you would like to learn more about Allyson you can go to http://www.fight4allyson.com/. This webpage had all of the updates on how she is doing and pictures of all the fundraising events. Keep Allyson in your prayers!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Goodbye Summer, Hello School!

literally walk up to you and eat out of your hand. It was so cool. Also this past summer I spend tons of time with one of my friends, Rachel! She lives the closest to me out of all my friends so she came over a lot. Of course I went swimming tons of times. Actually, this year we bought a pool for our backyard patio. It wasn't huge, but it wasn't really small either. It was big enough to lay on a raft in and soak up the sun. That's all that my mom and I were worried about, getting a tan :D And... We did!
Good Times!

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Follow the Leader
The kind of leaders that I admire the most are teachers and my parents. Teachers do a lot of work that students don't realize. Students come to school with attitudes and in bad moods not caring how they treat their teachers. Even though teachers have to stay up late grading papers or may have had a family emergency they always come to school with a smile on their face (: That's why I admire them! Parents on the other hand, haha no I'm totally kidding. I admire my parents whole lot for just putting up with me! I mean, yeah I they get on my nerves all the time, they make me do things I don't want to do, but they do it all in consideration of whats best for me. I look up to my parents and teachers because they show all the skills that are needed to be a leader and those are the skills that I would like to have someday. I would like to follow the footsteps of my parents and teachersand become a great leader one day!
Monday, August 24, 2009
"Friendship doubles joy and halves grief."
"Friendship doubles joy and halves grief."
This Egyptian proverb to me, means that everything is easier with friends. Having friends brings joy to everyone's lives and cuts down on grief and hard times. This proverb has came to be true in my life many different times. In January of '09 my grandfather past away. It was a really hard time for my family and I, and thankfully I had friends there to lean on. It felt really good to have them there to talk and comfort me through everything that was going on. One of my friends, Marley brought a lot of joy to me the day of my grandfathers funeral. She stopped by for about 20 minutes and brought me a small gift. The fact that she came by just to say hey and sorry for your loss meant a lot. All of my other friends had a movie night the next night, this helped me get my mind off of everything and just relax and have a good time. Another time in I was the friend that brought joy to someone else was when my friend Sarah had to move from her Mom's house to her Dad's. This was a big change for her and caused her lots of grief as well. She ended up having to switch schools and lost a lot of friends. She has told me ever since then that I brought a lot of happiness to her and was a true friend for sticking by her through everything. Both of these situations, as you can probably tell, explain how friendship doubles joy and halves grief.